I needed a brand new line to collect like some type of headhole thing, but I love the Universal Monsters and all that old classic black and white movie magic, so these were a must buy as soon as Robo posted some reviews. He’s already covered the figures for Frankenstein’s Monster and the Creature, so I won’t bore you with redundancy. Long story short: I agree with his assessment. These are fun, quality figures. However, since his were the Toys ‘R Us exclusive versions and I got mine from Big Bad Toy Store, I will bore you with pictures of the included bases.
Frankenstein’s monster comes with a rubbly piece of ground with a piece of Dr. Frankenstein’s funky old-world scientific gizmo thingamabaob. Now THAT is scientific. I like the old-timey tubes and hand-crank. You can smell the ozone as the electricity crackles between those two antennae. The floor has a nice broken texture with some chains and random metal bits strewn across it. It’s an interesting piece that an inventive person could build on to create an entire diorama for their figure.
The Creature from the Black Lagoon comes with a swanky chunk of sea floor, complete with moss and floating sea floor flora. Floor flora is fun to say. There’s a small school of fish floating along, rather oblivious to the horror that walks among them, and there’s a bit of skull and bone rooted to the ground. The creature’s been busy. A rocky outcropping completes the effect.
These versions of the Monsters are available from BBTS.