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Hasbro – Marvel Legends Infinites: Target 3-Pack Ms Marvel

Hasbro Marvel Legends Infinites Target 3 Pack Ms. Marvel

Ms. Marvel is one of those characters that I was introduced to during the David Michelinie run of the Avengers comics in the late ’70s. I don’t rightly remember when she was introduced, and some quick googling would resolve that, but I do know that loved how Byrne and Perez handled the artwork. Ms. Marvel’s been a strange character, more of a product to protect trademarks rather than character development. She’s a fantastic character with her origins tying into Captain Marvel and Rogue, and she’s been a center of such controversy.

Hasbro Marvel Legends Infinites Target 3 Pack Ms. Marvel

For starters, up until she wore the mantle of Captain Marvel recently, she’s been wearing a swimsuit. Her first appearance was a one-piece that favored the Captain Marvel colors, until it was eventually a one-piece with a bare belly. Yeah, something right out of a ’70s Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition. Eventually she graduated to the look this figure is based on: the black one-piece with the long leggings and gloves and mask. Kinda S&M, if I start to think too much about it. It’s a costume and look that’s recently been raked over the coal for its sexual objectification.

Hasbro Marvel Legends Infinites Target 3 Pack Ms. Marvel

Adding to the Ms. Marvel mess is the infamous issue 200 of The Avengers, which is a bit of mess of an issue from a plot perspective, a victim of the inner workings of Marvel at the time. In the issue she’s pregnant, the victim of a kidnapping and rape by Marcus, one of Kang’s personas. I’d explain Marcus, but it will make my head hurt. And yours too.

Hasbro Marvel Legends Infinites Target 3 Pack Ms. Marvel

Carol Danvers has been a bit of mess in the comics, but that’s being sorted out. The last decade Marvel’s really put some serious work into the character, and I am extremely happy to read Carol Danvers stories. I like the character, I like the costumes, and I like her strength.

That is why I like this action figure. Yes! I want the modern Captain Marvel figure that will be part of the upcoming wave of Marvel Legends. I want that version so badly that I can barely contain my anticipation. But I want this one a little bit more. It’s the costume and character that I grew up, with and nothing makes me happier than being able to add her to my updated classic Marvel Legends display. And this is a good figure.

Artistically it channels Frank Cho’s artwork from Mighty Avengers, and that’s OK. While Frank tends to straddle the objectification line, anatomically, artistically he’s much more organic in art than most artists. It’s a nice break from the normal cookie-cutter porn look. The sculpt tries its best to capture that and it’s fantastic. There are issues with the hips, which we’ve covered in the San Diego 2013 Box Set. they stick out from the side, but even with that flaw the figure is light years ahead of Warbird.

Hasbro Marvel Legends Infinites Target 3 Pack Ms. Marvel

This sentence is going to be split out from the rest. Dear Fwoosh Forums, she is wearing flats and not heels. You are welcome.

Hasbro Marvel Legends Infinites Target 3 Pack Ms. Marvel

It’s always tough to find something new to talk about in the articulation department when the figure is based on an existing figure. There’s not much new to talk about, especially when the articulation is spot-on. Two points: the neck has no hinge and could really benefit from that extra joint giving that extra range of motion. The other is the spinning meat on the arms. It’s minor, but when there is so little good or bad to point out, I have to find something to nitpick. Right?

Hasbro Marvel Legends Infinites Target 3 Pack Ms. Marvel

I can’t end the figure review without mentioning the red sash. It’s great. I love it, and it just pops — great sculpt!

This article covers more information about the character than the figure, and I might have done the same in the previous article on Warbird; it’s hard not to as it’s become such a core part of who and what the character is about. As a toy, she’s perfect, whether you are assembling a Classic Avengers, Busiek and Perez Avengers, Mighty Avengers, or something in between, she is a must have for your Marvel Legends shelves. Start checking your local Targets as she will be out any time now.

Hasbro Marvel Legends Infinites Target 3 Pack Ms. Marvel

Hasbro Marvel Legends Infinites Target 3 Pack Ms. Marvel