figma’s Flyboy from Dawn of the Dead came out about two weeks ago, but due to the usual import delays, new post system, and my initial dislike of this figure, I am finally able to bring you Fwoosh’s review. And it’ll be a short review with not much to say. I’ve written about my love of zombies plenty of times on the Fwoosh that rehashing that still-beating drum would feel like some kind of medieval torture.
Flyboy isn’t a horrible figure; it’s a good, solid figure from Figma: great sculpt, the usual articulation, and the usual round of accessories that you can come to expect from Figma. The extra hands are useless for me as I like the out-of-the-box hands. They work perfectly for my zombie chase scenes. There are two heads: one representing Flyboy and the other is “Machete Zombie.” It’s a great way to pack another character in, and if you buy two, then you have two zombies to display.
The blood splatter effect might be the greatest thing since sliced bread, and I can see all kinds of overuse in future pictures. Like with Thor’s hammer or Crystal Bowie’s sickle or Iron Man’s repulser rays or Cap’s shield.
My initial dislike of the figure comes down to scale. I was hoping, expecting a true 6-inch action figure, but this figure is about 5.5+ inches. It’s a really short figure. I know that there are short people in the world (I’m a giant), and in a 1/12 environment it’s great to have realistic figures, but I was hoping for something a little larger and more universal in scale.
Scale aside, these are super-fun zombies to play with. Armed with the standard Figma articulation, you can pose these bad boys left and right. I know that some people are turned off by the articulation disks, and there are times when I have my doubts about them, but they work and they allow for a hell of a lot of good poses.
I’ll have a tough time recommending this figure to the average 6-inch scale collector. The size really kills integration into Marvel Legends, DC Universe Classics, and some of your other lines. For the Figma collector, there is a place for it in your collections, certainly on the smaller side of your collections, but there is a place.
You can pick him up today here: