Man, what a mess has this X-Men series turned out be? Sure, it is just now hitting but it has already caused aneurysms all over the world. Two male heroes, two male villains, and a female hero. And for some reason the one female is the hardest to get so far. What could that reason be? Granted, the two male heroes are just rehashes, while the two villains may not be everyone’s cup of tea, either because of character or execution. Oh wait, the BAF is a female hero too, but you can’t complete her without the first female. It couldn’t be yet another female action figure that doesn’t sell very well? Yeah. Sure. It would probably sell better if people could get their hands on it. Welcome to the club, Storm.
The packaging is standard Legends Infinite fare by now. I do kinda wish the individual character’s pictures were on the sides though, they all just show Wolverine. But in the long run, since I toss the packages anyway, that’s like wishing my cereal box had a better design or my bottle of Coke had my name on it. Wait…
Out of the package, Storm is a beauty. I have a certain deep seeded affection for punk/mohawk Storm, so this figure hits me right where it hurts so good.
The mohawk is sculpted perfection. Swept up just right, just the right amount of detail, everything. Even the paint is a wash of gray with white highlights which adds some depth. It’s not just a stark white and there is no odd blue shading color. I love it, I really do.
To go along with that perfect mohawk is a nicely sculpted, and even painted, head. The eyes don’t have pupils so there is none of that G.I.Joe look to throw the face off. Even the eyebrows are painted on correctly. This may just be the best I’ve seen this year.
To go along with the awesome head likeness, the body is no slouch either. We’ve seen this body but it just works so well here.
Except for one thing, and it’s a problem we’ve had with more than a few female characters. As good as the body looks there is still stability problems. And it is caused by the heels. Now, they aren’t high heels like Emma Frost, more like platforms we saw with Black Widow. Still, she is a bear to stand. I see lots of flight stands going under her.
For an articulation breakdown, check out my video review that lists all the points and the range of movement for each.
When it comes to paint, as much as I gushed over the mohawk and face, the body is just straight solid colors. But fortunately it’s all clean and straight. No thin spots or bleeding edges.
The other biggie is the cape. It’s some sort of fabric but it’s paper thin and a bit stiff, almost like an umbrella material. While it’s a bit unmanageable it does look okay and serves it’s purpose.
Compared to Storm’s first Marvel Legends figure in her Lee costume, this one blows it away. Don’t get me wrong, that one had a nice dedicated sculpt but she was scrawny and the head was way too small to fit in with most other MLs. And you can say this one is too modern. But at least it’s a nice modern costume, right?
She fits right in alongside Emma.
I know I was lucky enough to have my whole Toys R Us preorder filled and she was included but I know not everyone was so lucky. To top that off, it looks like online stores have had their shipments cut nearly in half and some preorders are being cancelled. Keep the faith guys, seems like these are hitting TRU and hopefully in larger numbers. Storm is definitely worth picking up if you run across her.