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Fwooshcast Episode 2: Welcome Back!

Fwooshcast welcome back


The Fwooshcast Episode 2: Welcome Back

This week we talked up a storm about the Masters of the Universe Classics Club Eternia Subscription, as well as Mattel’s announcement of the upcoming release of “Unleashed Doomsday” for DC Universe Classics.

We waxed nostalgic about The Fwoosh’s Marvel Legends Top Ten Vote, and Chewbacca action figures (check out Fwoosh’s Star Wars Black Chewbacca video review), and speculated on the Bridge Direct’s deluxe size Smaug from the Hobbit line.

Ace the Bat Hound(s) make a special appearance, and much more! Get it all delivered direct to your ear-holes.

And hey–go HERE to order some great, a la carte Batman accessories direct from Figures Toy Company!


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