Shokaract is a character of ominous power that hasn’t played a huge part in the Transformers universe as a whole, but what I do know about him made him a must-have for me. I first became aware of the character through IDW’s Beast Wars series, which works as a fantastic companion to the Beast Wars TV series. His ties to Unicron and the way he, well, dealt with his ties to Unicron made him one of the more intriguing characters to come out of the Beast-era. Unfortunately, the original Shokaract figure was a BotCon exclusive that has always been a little bit beyond my grasp in terms of aftermarket value, so I’ve been resigned to keeping my Beast Wars shelves Skokaract-less for the past few years.
Imagine my delight then when at this year’s BotCon a new Shokaract figure was offered, at least a new figure of the character who would become Shokaract. It looks enough like Shokaract for my purposes, so I’m basically ignoring the “Pirate Hunter” name he comes saddled with.
I mean, it’s still a pricey convention exclusive, but one that’s much more manageable in price than the original. And, like the original, it’s a redeco of a Rampage figure. The Transformers Collector’s Club Rampage figure was reviewed a few weeks ago, so, since this new Shokaract is a straight-up redeco of that figure, I’m going to let that review do much of the heavy lifting. Suffice to say, like Rampage, he’s a beauty — perhaps even more striking in appearance than Rampage, in fact.
I couldn’t be happier to add this figure to my shelves, and it looks as though he can still be had for reasonable prices (for BotCon figures, anyway) on the aftermarket.
Please check out the accompanying pics and the video below for further thoughts and more details: