Fwoosher KingGeorge1987 (@AdmiralTurtle on Twitter) has graciously allowed us to post his pics and thoughts on figures from the SDCC Exclusive Thanos Imperative set he acquired early. I’ll tell you guys, since the shine has slightly worn on my beloved set of Guardians of the Galaxy line, this is the next set I’ve set my eyes upon. Must have all of them. Except Black Bolt’s wings. Those can go. The rest can stay.
Gladiator- Pretty great figure. If you like Hyperion you will like this guy. The head is kinda loose on the ball joint for mine but not to the point of being floppy and is otherwise fine and still fits well.
Black Bolt- Those wings are awful. They only look good in a couple of poses and only from certain angles. Other wise a good figure. As soon as I snapped these pics I took a hobby knife to the wings.
Medusa- Great sculpt but man, she cannot stand without support. Her hair is all one piece of hard plastic. Her head is very posable at the balljointed neck but the hair isn’t long enough to reach the ground in standing straight poses to act as a tripod support. Still a very beautiful figure.
Overall pretty cool. I am happy with them and I may pickup Starlord eventually but I wasn’t much of a fan of the AIM agent body they are using for him…
When asked how rubbery the joints are…
Gladiator and Medusa are firm while Black Bolt is more on the gummy side though not as bad as the Guardians of the Galaxy wave of figures, if that helps any.