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Orsogranito Custom Kobold Kit

Kobold HeadlineThere has been a real explosion in the Masters of the Universe Classics third-party accessories world in the last year. Customizer Orsogranito has joined the fray, and we are going to take a look at three excellent kits that give customizers a hand with creating some new MOTU characters to add to their MOTUC collection.  First up is the Kobold conversion kit!

Kobold_28 Kobold_27In the Masters of the Universe mini-comic Slave City, Kobolds are the evil henchmen of Lodar, master of the fighting pits of Targa.  They ran in a pack and tracked down escaped slaves for Lodar.  The have a really wild alien design with an elongated head, spikey spine ridges, and a large blue head that’s slightly reminiscent of the Predator’s face mask. I see a lot of people online calling for a Lodar figure, and somewhat fewer requesting Kobolds, but I love the obscure stuff, especially mini-comics based figures, so this kit is right up my alley.

Kobold_26 Kobold_25The kit consists of two monster hands, a clip-on neck extension/spine-ridge piece, two elbow spikes, and a new head sculpt.  You can order a full figure, a painted kit, or an unpainted kit at Orsogranito’s online store, so any level of customizer can get in on the action.

Kobold KitI love the crazy spine-ridge details on the back piece and the huge, round alien eyes on the head.  The massive clawed hands are a fun touch that adds a bit more of a deadly feel to the overall Kobold design.

The kit pieces are all really sturdy and attach easily to the figure with little problem.

Kobold_07 Kobold_08 Kobold_09The hands pop into the forearms of the Mer-Man I used to make mine and the Demo-Man Orsogranito used.  The spine slips over the neck peg and stays on sturdily with no glue.

Kobold_10The spikes have to be glued on, but it’s really clear how they should fit on.

Kobold_11The paint on the painted figure is extremely smooth and features some nice two-tone shading. Another interesting feature is the cool glossy and glittery eye paint.

Kobold_12Orsogranito covered the large alien orbs with this beautiful paint that looks gloss black at first glance, but it shines an alien shimmering green under lights.  It’s a cool effect for sure.

Kobold_13 Kobold_14Overall, I found making my Kobold from the painted kit a fun and satisfying custom project.

Kobold_15 Kobold_16This is just the type of obscure monster that I don’t have much hope of seeing from Mattel, so I’m glad to have this one.  Hmmm… now to decide if I really need two more Kobolds or not…

Kobold_17 Kobold_18 Kobold_19That’s it for the Kobold kit.  Be sure to check back later in the week for a look at a Game of Thrones/ MOTUC mash-up kit from Orsogranito — Lord Hound!

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