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Morning Rush – Four Horsemen Studios Gothitropolis Raven Paint Samples

Four Horsemen Studios Gothitropolis Raven featured

In case you missed the email update, Four Horsemen Studios got paint samples of their Kickstarter Raven figures! They look fantastic, especially when posed next to the 2-Up prototypes. I cannot wait for these to arrive! Check out past reviews, first looks and news of more Four Horsemen Studios Fantastic Exclusives!

Over the next couple of days or so, we’re going to be posting updates showing the first images from the factory of the paint samples on the Gothitropolis Ravens & variants figures. A lot of what you’ll be seeing are our upscaled prototype paint-master next to the scaled down final 6″ scaled figure. We think it’s pretty cool to see those things together and we hope you will too.

Please keep in mind that these first paint samples will still have issues that we are going to address such as extra sloppiness and missing/incorrect paint applications. But after just seeing these images we’re REALLY happy with the results so far! We can’t wait to get them in person to go over them with a fine toothed comb, but we don’t think there will be any big issues. Plus the lighting is slightly off on some of these images so some of them may look a little off color right now, but we’ll make sure they’re all just right on the final product.

Take a look & let us know what you think! -FH-