Well, you knew it was bound to happen. The current trend of leaked factory figures ruining the official reveal of an upcoming action figure may be a thorn in the side of any company rep but it’s all eye candy for us, the collector. Sure, test shots aren’t painted, they are in funky colors, and usually don’t come with any accessories, but just seeing something for the first time is exciting.
Take Eldor, who was hinted as coming when a spell book was revealed on MattyCollector and at Toy Fair. Who’s book could it be!?! The image was named “Eldor_Book” so with my keen detective skills I was able to figure it out immediately. We haven’t seen the the actual figure. We haven’t officially been told he’s coming. And here he is popping up on eBay from a seller in China.
Will he have a hood, either as a separate piece or alternate head? Is the chest overlay going to make him look fat? Even though it seems to deviate from the reference, will he end up looking as awesome? I dig the skull cap look. And the beard. And the tattered clothing. Yeah, I’ll be getting him for sure even though my MOTUC buying has tapered off to essentials only.
Also found on eBay was Light Hope, the exclusive for this year’s Club Etheria.
And Double Mischief. Or Double Trouble, if yo nasty.
The factories were using a lot of green that day…