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LEGO – Marvel: Captain America vs. Hydra 76017

 With Captain America: The Winder Solider coming out this week, it seemed fitting to focus my LEGO review on the new Captain America set. For the $20 price point, I think this is great little comic Cap set. The set includes one main vehicle, one small vehicle, and three minifigures. All three figures in this set are taken from the Marvel Comic world, not the movies, which I think is the better way to go because comic colors pop a bit more in LEGO form. We have the evil Red Skull with the Cosmic Cube brick; a Hydra solider that comes with no weapons, sadly; and, of course, Captain America with his trusty red, white, and blue shield. Because these figures feature no hair, hat, or helmet pieces, each figure only has one face. Both Cap and the Hydra solider do at least have some extra details on the back of their heads, but Red Skull’s head is, well, just red. I think for Skull and the Hydra solider this is just fine, but I do wish maybe LEGO could have included a second battle- or angry-face head for Cap. He just has a silly, happy grin that seems out of place when battling evil LEGO minifigures.

Cap includes a motorcycle for him to chase down Hydra! It has a spot to store his shield while he’s driving. It’s nothing earth shattering, but it’s still a fine add-in piece.

The main vehicle for the set is a Hydra off-road vehicle. It’s a mostly dark green and yellow color scheme to match Hydra colors. It kind of reminds me of a Cobra Hiss Tank. It has two places for minifigures to sit. Also, it has two nicely done Hydra decals. It has a total of eight wheels, and the cool part is the working suspension system. It’s really a simple system, but it works well and looks great when running over things like Cap’s bike.

The top cockpit has two action features: it can rotate 360 degrees, and it also has two standard LEGO flick missiles.

It’s a great set for any Marvel and/or Captain America fan. The Hydra tank is a nice, quick solid build with a lot of fun play value in it. There are three good, brightly colored minifigures and a tossed in bike. I do wish there were a couple more Hydra soldiers in the set, even if it were to cost an extra $5, I would love to have at least two more.

Retail $19.99

Piece count 172

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I came across this little guy during my many knock-off LEGO figure hunts on eBay. It really is nice figure, and I have no idea if or when he will be coming with an official LEGO set. He comes with two guns, and mine included a black stand. He has a two-sided head, and both sides feature the bottom half of the mask, but one side does not have the goggles. One thing I didn’t like was that he came with a white flesh-colored arm, so I swapped it with a gray arm I had laying around. Makes it look much cooler. You take a risk buying knock-off LEGO figures; sometimes they are great and sometimes… not so much. They are never as good as official figures, so you have been warned.