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Ebay Frenzy- Marvel Legends Customs, Hot Toys Environment, and Just Weird Stuff

Why is it always raining on Sunday? It’s like nature says “Hey, you, stay inside and twiddle your day away looking for deals on eBay.” And I oblige. And soon it will be too hot to hang outside. Then too cold. And then too sunny. And again I’ll be browsing the auctions. C’mon nature, stop making me spend my money. It’s nature’s fault. Not me being lazy.

Lots of great customs this week. Good uses of fodder that makes me want to replicate them, but I always end up filing it away and never looking again. Like I hinted at above, I’m a lazy, lazy person.

This Cable makes great use of the Gears of War figure that’s been hanging out at TRU for quite a while.

Marvel Legends Cable CustomIf you picked up any extra cheap Ultrons around Christmas then Maverick seems to be the way to go.

The same goes for Iron Monger. They can be found fairly cheap on eBay out of Hong Kong, so make a not quite accurate but still awesome Crimson Dynamo out of it.

Loosecollector has posted quite a few customs around the Fwoosh forums so most of us know his work is quality. It’s no different for his Photon custom. So. Freaking. Clean.

The same can be said for this Julia Carpenter Spider-Woman.

This Gladiator takes the cake. Great parts usage, clean paint apps. I mean, look at the triangle symbol on his chest! Not overly bulky but powerful. I wants it, my precioussss.

I have to add this one. One, it’s made by Dirty Dog Designs, an old Fwoosh regular. And two, the seller put “Fwoosh” in the title of the auction. I am nothing but easy. Thing.



Jubilee in her Jim Lee costume has been a mantra for some for years. If we got one like this even I’d buy it.

The O-face is a little off putting at first, but it’s Exiles Morph, do you expect any less?

I think this Dormammu makes use of the Conan set Wrarrl, but didn’t that body have a lot of texture on it? Either way, nice sculpting on the fire effects and head.

I’ve always wanted a huge environment for my figures. Something large and cool. But space and money has always stood in the way. That didn’t stop this dude from building a Hot Toys scaled Helicarrier Prison Cell Pod though. It even has working lights, in the dark it looks just like the Avengers movie scene. High asking price but hey, it’s Hot Toys.

This Marvel Legends Avengers lot is a pretty good price but what sticks out at me is how well the newish USAgent looks with all the oldish figures.



Are people really this hard up for the McFarlane/Campbell Spider-Man? Seems like every time I turn around I see or hear about one of these going for big money. Makes me wish I hadn’t tried to sand the webbing off mine back in the day.

It also makes me not want to throw out my trash. STOP DOING THIS EBAY!

Marvel Legends BLACK WIDOW BOX The Winter Soldier Infinite Series NO FIGURE


But then I love stuff like this. Camo Iron Man is funky cool enough for me to want him. But is this just factory workers playing around?

What in the world is this My Little Pony?

This New Jedi Order Han Solo is a pretty good custom, but why is he standing in front of Thor’s hammer?

Star Wars Custom New Jedi Order Han Solo


Speaking of Star Wars, have you met Yoda’s cousin Stilts, the abnormally tall member of his race who went on to be an X-wing pilot?

Star Wars Yoda Species Jedi Knight Custom Flight Crew


This vintage Optimus Prime painted like Paul Stanley of KISS would totally work for me if the other members were present.

Transfomers G1 custom paint - KISS Paul Stanley Starchild Prime - OptimusThe same goes for this Ramjet painted to look like Joker. Throw in some more seekers painted like Mr. Freeze, Two-Face, Riddler, etc, and I would be down. In fact, it makes me want to do it myself.

Transformers G1 custom paint - JokerBot Starscream G2 RamjetI didn’t know characters in carbonite was a thing. Apparently Jar-Jar in Carbonite was an actual release at SDCC, but Yoda and Ahsoka caught me off guard. Ahsoka even looks natural, like she’s almost in pain.

Finally, here’s something you’ll find when you search “prototype.” A distressed denim AND leather jacket.

You know when you watch military movies and the one dude does something wrong and he gets demoted and a superior officer rips off his rank patches in an overly dramatic fashion? Do biker gangs do that too? Does distressed mean “big ol’ holes in the front and back” with another jacket just worn underneath it? What are the strips hanging off the bottom? And what kind of statement is this trying to make? Clothes shouldn’t be this confusing.