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Ebay Frenzy- Custom Marvel and Star Wars and The Usual Weirdness

Not a lot of deals on retail toys this fine Sunday. Well, I say fine, I’m currently under a tornado watch. Anyway, there’s a lot of interesting customs up today so I thought I’d throw some out and see if any stick.

I’m always enamored with Marvel customs using the DC Universe Classics bodies. Don’t get me wrong, I love me some Legends but there is also something very eye catching about the clean, streamlined DCUC base. Add some Marvel flavor and you get some very classic looking figures.

All of them together from a seller with no feedback.

I especially like the Banshee, that body works so much better even with the ML screaming head. And Deadpool in Captain America’s helmet…awesome.

Someone made a Gamecock. Look him up. Yeah, he’s a Marvel character. He looks to be on an old Mattel Batman figure base, but that doesn’t matter. It’s Gamecock.

Custom Marvel Legends Gamecock

This Bulldozer makes me angry at Hasbro.

How about a Marvel Universe Punisher riding a motorcycle with a zombie for no reason?

The “Avengers of America” and “S&M Unit” add-ons complete this piece.

Here’s a fantastic custom Veil from Avengers Academy. I really miss this book from it was firing on all cylinders.

Marvel Legends Avengers Academy Veil custom figure

Oh, more Punisher, you say? How about this Mego Punisher?



These Star Wars troopers are advertised as dirty and battle damaged but I see them as heavy lined and shaded comic art and for that they make me want to break out the black paint because they tickle my fancy hardcore.

Hell, for the prices, it’d probably be easier to just buy them. Most of them are below $16.

This 31″ Samurai Clonetrooper is unexpectedly awesome.

1/6 scale Party Time Clonetrooper, on the other hand, is unexpectedly…unexpected?

Even more unexpected is the Nazi Sith Mandalorian Officer.

Moving on…

This NECA style Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Casey Jones caused me to openly weep with joy when I ran across the auction.

I want it. Now.

I have a soft spot for Nomak from Blade 2, always wanted a figure, and even though this isn’t in my preferred scale I can’t help but want it.

I don’t even know what this is but after reading the description I’m led to believe that it came this way except for the primer look. I’m not up on my vinyl. I’ll call it Bruce and Betty’s baby.

Same goes for this, but the paint job is so great that I had to stop and look.

And finally, a Monster High Daenerys Khaleesi custom doll. And while it kinda freaks me out I have to appreciate the paintwork. I mean, I wouldn’t have even recognized it as a Monster High base. The eyes, eyebrows, lips, shading, all out of this world. I want it just to stare at it endlessly.