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Bandai – What Happened to the “Aliens vs. Predators” Predator?

I love my Wolf Predators. Yeah, I ordered a number of them, three to be exact. I have this idea of customizing mine (the other two belong to the kids). It’s a beautiful figure. I love the scale and the articulation rocks the house. Plenty of accessories to go around and I can fulfill some of my longtime fantasies of having Luke Skywalker, Indiana Jones, Wolverine, Batman, Aliens, or Snake Eyes pair off against them.

Most collectors of NECA’s Predators already live this dream, but I held out hope that one day we’d get 6-inch superposable Predators. Imagine my heart, my soul, my being at the news of Bandai releasing Aliens vs. Predators in their S.H. Monsterarts line (SDCC 2013″>article here). I was beyond words. It was an alien drone and then one of the super-roided Predators. I wasn’t off the charts happy about the Predator; I prefer the original look and the Wolf Predator, but I wasn’t going to complain too loudly!

And then the preorder for Wolf Predator went up and I went bananas and ordered him. Without thought. After reading Disthunder’s review, something kept eating away at the grey matter in my head. Something wasn’t right.

I went back to find the SDCC 2013″>original article from SDCC last year, when it hit me that Bandai pulled the switch. I don’t remember any news about it, I don’t remember a press release, I just know that this was a ninja-like move — that’s been bothering me! Remember how I rambled about the S.H. Monsterarts Alien being labeled as a Warrior when it’s a Drone in the review?

It now makes perfect sense. The alien we got is a drone, and it is from the first Aliens vs. Predators movie. Somewhere along the line, a switch, a change, something happened and Bandai repackaged the drone into AvP: Requiem packaging to go along with the Wolf Predator from that movie. Yes, yes, these are nerdy details that only an amateur like me would pick up on, but nevertheless an important detail and one that I’ll be digging deeper into. I want those Aliens vs. Predator Predators now like no one’s business.

You can still preorder or order these figures from BigBadToyStore, including the Heavy Armored exclusive Wolf Predator. And remember to pick up the original Alien, Big Chap, from this line as well.

Wolf Predator

Alien Warrior

Wolf Predator Heavy Armored

Big Chap