Yeah, you’ve been seeing him all day. Sue me. I’m excited. See, my first car was a VW Bug, so on top of Bee being a huge need in the TF universe and pulls a lot of heart strings there for me, the car mode also reminds me of my teenage years. So yeah, definitely preordered.
BigBadToyStore has put him up for preorder with the following information.
This package will include Bumblebee, who will transform into a licensed Volkswagen Beetle, and has a removable faceplate and pistol. It will also include Spike (or Daniel?) in a transforming Exosuit, so you can recreate scenes from the 1986 movie! |
Product Number: TAK11728 Shipping Weight: 1.40 pounds |
On top of what is said to be a regular face and a smiling face it seems will have an exclusive faceplate that looks more like the original toy.
But I don’t need that. My Bumblebee has a face. And smiles a lot. And talks with a regular voice, not mish mash pieced together movie and music clips. PFFFT!