Waspinator could be the most fondly remembered character from the Beast Wars series, so it’s awesome to see an updated version released in the Generations line, especially considering his recent appearances in the IDW comics. Takara’s Generations Waspinator, like their Rhinox, is another Beast Wars update that turned out to be absolutely beautiful, and, like Rhinox, he’s another figure I almost skipped, but I am so glad I didn’t.
When the Hasbro version was released back in December, I was declaring it, without hesitation, to be one of the best figures ever in terms of updates, but now that Takara has released their version, it’s difficult to pick a favorite between the two. I’m leaning toward the Takara figure, but a case can definitely be made for both; however, the Takara figure does bear a closer resemblance to Waspinator as he appeared on the show, so the Takara figure may be the more fully realized version of the character.
This Waspinator’s colors are much deeper and darker — very similar to how he looked on the series. He looks less “plastic” than the Hasbro figure, and the gold detailing does add some depth to the figure.
The Takara Waspinator benefits from more paint apps than the Hasbro figure, but it still doesn’t quite fully nail the character’s appearance. Waspinator’s visage is surprisingly detailed and complex, so Takara does get points for coming darn close, but there is still some work to do in order for it to be truly perfect.
It is a gorgeous figure overall. The gold on his body works better then I thought it would, and it adds a richness to the figure that I wasn’t expecting. But it’s when the two figures are compared side-by-side that the differences are truly evident.
Now, many collectors may not be fond of the darker green of the Takara figure, but here I think it’s much more convincing than the Hasbro figure. The Takara figure doesn’t look plastic, and that’s what makes all the difference here. In comparison, the Hasbro figure does look plastic, which seems like an odd criticism considering they’re both plastic renderings of characters from a TV show, but the Takara figure does a better job of recreating the character in a tangible form. The Hasbro figure looks like a toy, but the Takara figure looks like the character, and, really, it all comes down to the paint.
I find it curious and interesting that the Takara figure does not come bearing the Predacon sigil. He’s not branded with any faction logo, in fact. The Hasbro figure does feature a small Predacon sigil on his back, and it does make me wish the Takara figure had something similar. But I guess since it’s not totally clear if Waspinator is a Predacon or a Decepticon in the comics, this works well enough. Still, I may need to place an order with Reprolabels soon to get him a Predacon sticker or two.
*UPDATE* Either I’m blind or just not as observant as I like to think I am, but it was just pointed out to me by Fwoosher ScienceFriction that the Takara figure does come bearing not just one, but two Predacon sigils — tiny gold ones on the light-piping portion on either side of his head, which just happen to be show-accurate as well. Score a couple more points for the Takara figure!
Prior to this figure’s release, the Telemocha (the Japanese 10th anniversary Beast Wars line) Waspinator was my absolute default Waspinator on my Beast Wars shelves, but this new figure is difficult to deny, and he does look darn good with his comrades. He makes me want updated versions of all the Beast Wars Predacons, though.
In his beast mode, it’s nice to see both wasps share the same metallic blue paint on their eyes. It integrates better with the Takara figure, however, and it just kinda makes the green of the Hasbro figure look even more plastic somehow.
The darker colors also work better in concealing the more visually evident ‘bot parts that don’t “disappear” when he’s transformed, like his hands, for example. On the Hasbro figure, the bright green color almost directly calls attention to them in his wasp mode, but the darker green of the Takara figure does more to conceal them and integrate them into the wasp form.
As much as I may outwardly prefer the Takara figure, there’s still something very “fun” about the Hasbro figure. The brighter colors just scream “play with me,” and I can definitely appreciate that. The Takara figure will probably end up being my display figure, but the Hasbro figure may end up being my “pick me up and play with me” figure.
He looks awesome with the voyager Rhinox figure, and it’s so tough to not start wishing for every Beast Wars character to get an update as nice as these two. Dinobot would seem to be the next logical candidate if we were to get another, so please join me in crossing all our fingers and all our toes that it happens.
The Takara Waspinator is, without a doubt, a gorgeous figure, but I’m not sure I’d say he’s as essential as the Takara Rhinox, despite his being closer in appearance to the on-screen character. I’m happy I picked him up, but I can understand being satisfied with the Hasbro figure too. In the end, it’s going to boil down to personal preferences — doesn’t it always?