I’m doing my morning perusal of news and stuff and I cam across this little badboy at BigBadToyStore, a preorder listing for 1/12 Scale Analyzer. Star Blazers or Space Battleship Yamato 2199 was one of the early anime’s that was shown on American TV, this was back… a long time ago, I was a wee kid and loved watching cartoons. The first time I saw the Space Cruiser Yamato, a big giant water based warship, converted to a spaceship flying all over the galaxy I was amazed! It was awesome! Beautiful.
Bandai recently a Soul of Chogoking version of the Yamato (get it at BigBadToyStore), and it is a beauty to look at. It’s on my to buy list. And there have been other models of the ships and planes. There are 1/8 and other scaled statues. But nothing 1/12. IQ-9 is being listed as a model kit and that’s pretty cool, I’ll take a model kit, but I hope, pray, that this is a lead in to, maybe, just maybe, some 1/12 figures or maybe even some S.H. Figuarts. It would be a shame to only have one 1/12 character from the series. I’d love (English names) Captain Avatar, Derek Wildstar, Nova Forrester, and Alex Wildstar (manga version).
In other news I saw Captain America: The Winter Soldier last night. Worth it. Loved it, best Marvel movie to date. Chris Evans did a monster job and is definitely starting to come of age as an actor, hate to see him retire in a few years. But this is a good movie, well done, brings elements of the first Cap movie into it, comics, and sets up some good stuff in the next Cap and Avengers movie. There were times I literally went “Oh yeah” and “DAMN” out loud. Luckily it wasn’t a packed house, I think I was getting annoying.
Remember to pre-order up your Hot Toys Black Widow action figure from BigBadToyStore today!