It’s my birthday! I bought some toys for myself over the weekend, the biggest being Year of the Horse Masterpiece Optimus Prime. The gold parts are definitely getting chromed when I find the time but you don’t know how happy I am to finally have a MP-10 Prime. And it’s even sweeter at a third of the current price. Now gimme a Megatron that’s worth buying! Come forth, yon Hour of Happy!
Diamond Select has released their 2014 catalog on and it shows off upcoming figures from Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back, Sin City, Pulp Fiction, and Kill Bill!
On the forums MSWord confirmed that Hartigan and Marv will get color variants as TRU exclusives.
But really, there is not a bad looking figure in the bunch. I’m sad to see the bride as just art and not a prototype, but if she comes with that diorama then I’m happy to wait. And look at all the different suit/plain clothes bodies! The face sculpts are fantastic so it comes down to paint making or breaking these in the “That looks just like Butch!” department. And even though it’s been years since I’ve been into Kevin Smith I will probably end up with a Bluntman and Chronic. At this point it’s just nostalgic.
Universal Monsters were also shown.
Didn’t Marvel’s classic Frankenstein wear that same kind of fur sleeveless shirt? Or was that Digger from the Night Shift? Man I want a Shroud!
It’s Monkey Monday over at NECA, so of course they showed another sneak peek at one of their Planet of the Apes figures. This time it’s General Ursus from Series 2 of Classics Apes!
Woooo, look at the detail! I’ve said it before, I’m more into the modern Planet of the Apes, but the wat these Classics are shaping up I may just have to buy a few.
And then there’s this…
What caught my eye when this Ebay auction for Transformers Masterpiece Icestorm scrolled through my feed was the colors. Just a nice set of blues, and the blending is excellent. When I clicked I realized there was ice weathering on various parts. Now that is awesome. Just a great piece.
Happy Hour’s over!