It’s Sunday! It’s a lazy day! It’s sit around and veg out on Ebay day! This is some of the the things I’ve run across today.
Before I start though, how many of us are hitting auctions containing this item several times a day?
Prices are crazy, right? I can’t catch Amazon at the right time, I always arrive too late when someone posts on the forums that she is at or or wherever else she pops up. I haven’t seen any of this assortment at local retail. So all I can do is scuff my feet to Ebay and just look, hoping for that mythical retail priced BIN with free shipping to appear, an auction that only I can see with my special internet glasses. The collecting black hole that allows me to be the first to see it. One that say “5 sold/1,000,000 available.”
But it never happens. Sigh.
Rainbow Sherbet Marvel Legends Deadpool
I have no idea what this is and I really do want to know.
Silver Deadpool
White Deadpool
“Rogue’s costume exploded all over me ” Deadpool
This seller is the same one who had all the early factory figures of both the Spider-Man and Captain America Legends Infinite series, so these can’t just be customs, can they? Maybe a factory worker getting creative? On the silver one you can see a teeny tiny hint of red inside the left shoulder socket, but all of the joints and pegs are clearish white looking. Even the crazy green and yellow one has these joints. And why does the title hint that these are K-mart exclusive? I don’t know what’s going on but it’s interesting. And makes me want to see Wade in a lot of other different color combinations.
Lots of customs today, as besides the latest and greatest my second most used search is for customs.
Hot Toys collectors spend lots of money maintaining their collections and I envy the hell out of them for it, but Hot Toys customizers and commissioners are even more hardcore…and spend even more money. I look at these auctions and think “Oh, I could get the head for the decent price (comparatively speaking) and then piece the rest together!” Nope. My brain is wired towards customizing American retail action figures, where I’ll spend $20 for a figure just to get a set of hands and a belt. By the time you find bodies, clothes, accessories, and everything else to make a Hot Toys custom you’re several hundred dollars deep.
But man they are pretty to look at. That Alfred head looks like a miniature decapitated Michael Caine! In a good way.
Some nice Masters of the Universe Classics customs currently up on Ebay.
Slime Pit He-Man
200x Faceless One
Undead Pirate Outlaw
Prehistoric Zombie He-Man
That Slime Pit He-man cast in clear green must have been an insane amount of work.
Speaking of an insane amount of work, this 12″ Teutonic Knight looks amazing!
It’s not a party unless you invite Nuclear Man…
And just to show I still love you Marvel, here’s a simple but very effective Masque of the Morlocks.
Other Crazy Things
I have been inactively hunting a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Classics Bebop for a while now, since finding Rocksteady back last year. For some reason my search brought me to this.
For a pretty good price too.
Remember the guy from last week who posted pictures of his action figures in front of random cars? Well he’s back, and now he’s posing them in front of the Deadpool twin banks.
I’m not even sure what this is supposed to be. It says “Star Wars Custom Durge Action Figure” but really, I don’t know what it is. I don’t know if that’s sculpt or paint or if there is any articulation or if he has faces on his knees. It’s like the figure is creating a sensory vortex somewhere between my eyes and my brain. I think I know what’s going on at some point but the feeling quickly passes. It may not be a bad figure at all…but I don’t know that for sure. It’s like Carnage and Rainbow Brite had a horribly disfigured child. Really. I WANT to know what is happening here.
Moving on, in case you just have an excessive amount of money to spend on toys that were once Wal-Mart prices but are now Hot Toys prices without the quality, size, and value of Hot Toys, these auctions are for you.
Too much for ya? Maybe you need a Bobby Drake instead?
Iceman for a BIN of $239! 1/3 the figures for more of your money!
And yeah, I know, hard to find even when they were available, supply and demand, hullabaloo, etc. I get it. But c’mon.
Back to reality, here’s a way to get a $16 Wolverine Legends Emma Frost!
You just have to buy 7 other figures at the same time. Still not a bad deal at all though. The whole Wolverine Legends wave for $60. Hyperion and Beetle are still fairly new. I even still kinda like that Beast. The way I personally see it, the only dud is that Quicksilver. But even removing him completely from the equation leaves you at almost $19 a figure. In fact, that’s a steal. Why am I posting it up instead of buying it myself?
I remember hearing about the Funko Game of Thrones Mystery Minis, but I guess I hadn’t paid any attention until I ran across this auction.
They. Are. Adorable! Who’s a cute little White Walker? You are!
Robot Freedom Fighters The Hangman
I wasn’t sure if this should have went in customs or not, but it’s so cool I had to put it in this section. Robot. Cowboy. If he had a katana I would have already been bidding. I don’t think that’s even an action figure under there. It looks more like spare parts, springs, and random pieces. Which makes it even more awesome. Definitely check out the auction for more pictures.
And finally, if you search Masters Universe Classic, you’re going to run across this.