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Rampageo Industries – World of Jalldoon Slimes Waves 1 and 2

You know, even in the wake of massive licensing agreements for the biggest fictional properties in the universe becoming little plastic toys these days, I think one of the best parts about today’s environment is the independent sect.
Guys like Joe Amaro, Zombihamma, Spy Monkey, Alvis Underground, and others are making inroads the DIY way, and the stuff that they are coming up with is really incredible. Rampageo Industries has been making some pretty unique and very creative independent designer toys as well, and we have the good fortune to bring you a look at some of them. For the uninitiated, allow me to introduce you to the World of Jalldoon SLIMES! Yep, these little slimes are handmade pieces of awesome, and Dr. Rampageo himself hand sculpts, molds, casts, and writes the backstory for the entire universe. There is a heck of a lot of creativity bursting from one man’s brainpan, and we are lucky for it!
So Slimes are these little creatures that inhabit the world of Jalldoon, and even though they resemble less sophisticated little beings, Dr. Rampageo has created a vivid world for them to live in. You can read all about them in the included bios below, and by the time you are done, you will be hooked.
The good thing about the timing of this is that, while wave one was available around New York Comic Con, wave two is going up for sale on the 28th (see the details, also below). The Slimes are all about designer goodness and lots of different colorways, so while we have some (delicious-looking) strawberry and black colored slimes, there will be a myriad of colors for you grab up.
As you can see, these babies have a lot of variety and personality for being not at all humanistic. While it is easy why these guys are slimes, there is quite a bit beyond that going on. Skulls, bandages, mustaches (yes, mustaches!) adorn these guys, and suddenly character and personality come out and it is hard not to pick a favorite.
It is also not hard to see the quality that goes into these guys. These are all individually molded, so they have literally been wholly created by hand. Dr. R. does it all from sculpt to sand (he is even the one dropping them in the mail to you), so I think it is really awesome to see someone take their creation all the way through to fruition. These are all cast in strong resin, and I am particularly partial to the clear red Slimes. There is something about the translucent quality that brings out the the sculpt, details, and personality of these babies. I am really excited to see some the glowing colorways because that will really bring it all full circle.
You need to check these Slimes out. It would be easy for me to just sit here and tell you to go support the independent toy makers (you really should), but these are so much fun, they are hard to resist no matter where they were conceived and created. I mean that in the most complimentary way too — there is nothing a big name design studio or manufacture has that these do not. They are fun, creative, well made, and VERY collectable. Oy, I can see whole shelves in my house getting filled by the different colors and characters.
Be sure to be online on 2/28 at Doom Kick to get yours. Remember, these are handmade in small batches, so they are going to go FAST and you will not want to miss out. I have included all of the bios below, so learn about the characters and then start collecting your SLIMES!
Coming soon from Rampageo Industries is The Exciting World of Jalldoon Slimes Wave 2. Featuring four all-new Slimes! The figures will be available in four different colors: Glowberry (GITD), Forged Glowberry (Silver w/blue GITD), Confetti, and Liar’s Blue. Slimes will be available in full sets of four (featuring two good and two evil Slimes) for $20, and grab-bag colorway singles for $5.  Also available will be the Mini-War Slimes in a 2-pack for $4, and a very limited number of large-scale Wild Cave Slimes for $20. Available Friday 2/28 at 9pm EST on the Doomkick Store (
Delgon Bio:
Delgon Shan joined Master Boshak’s army shortly after his brother was converted. Being big, strong, and of average intelligence Delgon wasn’t much use for anything besides basic grunt work and heavy lifting, but that all changed when Boshak and Baron Draktholm joined forces to take over all of Jalldoon. Delgon was sent to the Baron’s labs where the evil lord’s scientists conducted vile experiments, and was eventually infected with the any number of diseases. Pockmarked and scarred when he left the labs, Delgon took his anger out on one of Boshak’s evil Slime guard that was passing by. The guard fell back against the wall and gasped as his body was covered in bumps and boils, but the real treat came when Delgon realized he could now telepathically control the guard. After Boshak found out about these abilities he immediately put Delgon on his main attack force.  Since then Delgon has been infecting unfortunate innocent Slimes to add to his masters ranks.
General Skale Bio:
Most Slimes in Master Boshak’s army are there because he used his evil powers to “convert” them, but not Skale… He was just plain evil from birth. Boshak first met Skale when he was hanging in a gibbet on the side of the road; Boshak asked what his crimes were to which Skale replied “everything and anything.”  Boshak freed Skale from his prison, and in a short time Skale’s ruthless nature brought him to lead Boshak’s forces in the field. His brutal fighting style and his ability to instill fear has lead to him taking command of not only the evil Slimes, but also Baron Draktholme’s forces into battle. Skale is the basis of many people’s nightmares, and with good reason.
Princess Ikari Bio:
Born shortly before the Queen vanished, Princess Ikari grew up never knowing her mother. After his wife’s disappearance the King became very protective of his young daughter, and kept a very close eye on the Princess. While her older brother Algor was free to adventure through the world of Jalldoon as he pleased, she was stuck in the Palace surrounded by body guards with barely a minute to herself. It is a tough life for any girl, but especially one who looked up to her older Brother’s adventuring ways. This all changed when accompanying her father on diplomatic trip to the human city of Karnok their carriage was overwhelmed by bandits, looking to steal the gifts of emeralds the Slimes had brought for Emperor Loa Che the bandits made short work of the Kings entourage. With men wishing to do her farther harm the Princess sprang into action taking the form (a trick she learned from her brother) of a giant man eating Vineosaur, and saved the lives of the King and his men. Having proved she was more than capable of protecting herself, the King allowed Ikari the freedom to roam she so desired. Since that day she has joined Algor on many adventures, and had more than a fair share of her own.
King Valdar Bio:
Squishy is the Slime that wears the crown.
The Grand King of all Slimes is the latest in the royal line of kings going all the way back to the first slime to spawn from the elemental dust that is the father of all Slimes. For years, ruling Slimedom was an easy job for any king, but after the “birth” of Master Boshak, and the disappearance of his wife early in the current king’s reign the job became fraught with peril. Fortunately for good Slimes everywhere, King Valdar is fully capable of dealing with threats both inside and from outside the world of Slimes, and has done a wonderful job keeping his subjects safe from the despots currently terrorizing the land.