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Morning Rush – Pre-orders, Iron Man Obama, 3A and Jungle Queen

First up let’s kill it with some BigBadToyStore loving this morning! Dropping in my inbox were notices for Figma Thor and Transformers Generations Series 1 and Series 2. I’ve already said my peace on Figma Thor and until I get to review him, I’ll leave it alone. The Transformers news is the bomb, yeah fan favorite’s Swerve and Tailgate are finally getting some CHUG (Classics, Henkei, Universe, Generations) loving. And the look great! Skrapnle and Cosmos also look good but I think I might prefer the 3rd Party versions that are floating around. If you’d prefer a 3rd Party version of Swerve then check out MakeToys 2 pack of not Swerve and not Gears, decisions decisions.

Swerve Robot

Speaking of pre-orders, I got confirmation that my AvP Wolf Predators are being processed. Oh baby. You can still get these on and BigBadToyStore.

Did I see that Obama press conference or was that a dream? He’s building an Iron Man suit? Right, press conference aside, the idea is cool and completely scary. We know that the tech to make repulsor technology is still science fiction, but making an armored suit for soldiers is a reality. We also know that there is a ton of tech that do and can build into soldiers gear, hell the once science fiction head cams of Hicks and Hudson seem to be standard issue. Google glasses are giving us the internet all the time. I can see some of the Iron Man tech being built into modern military gear. Really cool and really scary.

In other news 3A Toy is selling their latest addition to the World War Robot World, Marquis de Plume over at Bambalandstore. Or not, I seem to be getting a Service Unavailable message. All you f5ers are killing the line! For those of you that don’t know, 3A will always drop a secret members only figure in their sales, and this will cause the rabid legions to f5, refresh their browser, ad nauseam, eventually causing the site to go boom. We know de Plumes are hot items, and this “tracky” version does look sharp.


This week I’m leaving you with a fantastic sketch from Frank Cho that popped up into my Facebook feed today. I know that you guys like the boobs and you like Frank Cho and his women, and we all know you like fantasy themes. Therefore I leave you with Jungle Queen vs the Cannibals. Someone needs to make some super articulated six inch toys of Jungle Queen, now.
