Anyone and everyone that knows me, grew up with me, went to college with me, works with me, knows that I am a whore for Godzilla. I had the original Godzilla Shogun Warrior and loved that thing to death. When I parted with it a number of years ago it went to a kid who loved it as much as I did. And I hear that he still has Rodan and Godzilla.
I spent how many Saturday’s watching Godzilla movies over the weekend? When Godzilla 1985 came out I went out of my way to get fansubs. I have Art Adams Godzilla comic. No, I don’t collect everything Godzilla, but I love Godzilla. When the Matthew Broderick Godzilla came out in 1998, I watched it over and over. No, I didn’t care that it wasn’t great, it was Godzilla, on a big screen larger than life.
When S.H. Monsterarts started making Godzilla figures I was giddy with joy. I sat on buying them since I wasn’t certain which I wanted, Showa? Heisei? Millennium? Bandai launched with Heisei, and I waited. Then came Showa and then Millennium. I went with Millennium.
When Legendary announced the new Godzilla movie I was excited, but skeptical, worried that we might get another Broderick version. I was wrong. Very wrong. If the trailers are any indication then I can’t be more wrong than wrong without being absolutely wrong. And that’s wrong.
Yeah that’s not a PG-13 statement, and no PG-13 can express the joy that streams down my face in the form of tears. The latest trailer appeared last night and it is AWESOME! Right now everything that I want from Godzilla, widescreen, loud, scary, HUGE! I mean this thing is HUGE! IMAX HUGE! And the destruction, it might be unnerving for some people but it is everything that I ever wanted in a Godzilla movie. And it looks like it might be heart wrenching, have a story to care about. I cannot wait for this movie! I want to see it now. I want to sit in the theater and cry tears of joy as one of my favorite childhood characters is brought to the big screen once again. If you’ve gotten this far then click on to see the trailer.