I’m finally getting around to some individual archive entries for last year’s Wolverine Legends that came out in October. I recently covered Cyclops from this wave and plan on working my way down the list. The fall is always a busy time with the post-New York Comic Con reporting and the holiday shopping season. I managed to get my case from BigBadToyStore and I’m pretty smitten with the set. Good solid figures.
I don’t know much about the current costume that Sabertooth is sporting, I’m getting caught up on Marvel Comics with the help of Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited, comic book Mondays are my favorite days of the week. I haven’t seen Sabes sporting this exact costume, so I’ll have to do some digging. But it’s basically the Jim Lee version of Sabertooth without the fur. As I remember, Sabertooth donned these colors as a jab at Wolverine and his brown costume, but then my memory isn’t reliable.
The figure is using the buck that was introduced with ROML Hyperion with new hands, boots, and a new head, of course. The sculpt is fantastic and definitely one of my favorites to date. It’s a well-done large, not medium, not average, not x-large base figure. The anatomy and frame are fantastic, and I have very little to point out that could be done better; it’s a great figure. I’m so smitten with this base figure that I want to customize it into a million things, but I’m wary of starting on that list since Legends is doing a great job with character choices. I put Drax’s head on the figure just to see how it would do, and I’m pretty impressed. It fits pretty well, and since Drax has a generic head, there’s a lot of potential.
The head sculpt is beautiful — one of the best head sculpts that I’ve seen in a long time. From the expression to the lines on the face to the hair and the facial features, this is an amazing figure. The neck ratchet is a little disappointing as there only seems to be a downward-, neutral-, or upward-looking position. It might just be the one that I have opened is put together incorrectly. One of the new design aspects that I like with current Legends is the ball-jointed head that allows for a bit more range of motion, and they pop off easily for head swapping.
The articulation is standard at this point. There isn’t much to say that’s new, different, or unusual about it. Here’s the breakdown:
•rocker ankles
•hinged ankles
•shin swivels
•double knees
•swivel thighs
•ball hips
•swivel waist
•hinged ab
•ball shoulders
•swivel biceps
•double elbows
•swivel forearms
•hinged wrists
•hinged neck
•swivel head
All in all, this is a great figure and definitely one worth picking up, either as a Sabertooth or as custom fodder. It can be purchased individually at:
Or as part of a set at