The Amazing Spider-Man #361 was the first appearance of Carnage, right? 1992? Does anyone remember? I find that I don’t. I know I collected The Amazing Spider-Man, I might even have this issue lying around in a box, but I don’t remember this character. At all. I remember Venom clear as day — that one I have down. I remember Black Spidey, but Carnage? Nope? And yet here he is — a big part of the modern Spidey mythos, dominating comics, having his own comic, having a new comic (Superior Carnage), having slots on TV.
And yet, I don’t remember him. Cletus Cassady? Nope. Not really.
Here’s this uber-popular, uber-cool, uber-psycho symbiote running around in the Marvel Universe terrorizing Spider-Man and I can’t recall a lick about him. What I can remember is that he is cool looking, in that he is red and black (more red than black) and he’s always had pretty cool toys made of him. ToyBiz made a couple of cool ones in Spider-Man Classics and Marvel Legends. And they were good figures, cool figures.
But they never brought me into the whole “character.”
Hasbro released a new Carnage on the Black Panther base for their Marvel Infinite Legends Amazing Spider-Man 2 assortment, and, like previous versions, I pulled him out and put all the Return of Marvel Legends Deadpool parts on him to see if I could. I could. And now I need to decide on feet. I’m leaning towards Wolverine Legends Wolverine feet; they have that combat boot feet to them. See? Carnage…
The figure as a whole is solid. As mentioned, it is featured on the Black Panther base, and we’ve established that is the new Bullseye and it’s the perfect base for almost any medium-build superhero in the Marvel Universe. The only real changes to this figure are the feet. It has new, non-booted feet that I can think of a thousand uses for. The head is new and it is a good sculpt, very good, for Carnage. Hands are new and could make for some cool monster claws. And there are these cool tendril thingies. Yeah, I’m reaching for blowing a bunch of smoke up this character’s ass for the sake of this review, but there isn’t much to review that hasn’t been reviewed before on a character that, well, is an imitation of an imitation of an imitation. Here’s the articulation breakdown:
•rocker ankles
•hinged ankles
•shin swivels
•double knees
•swivel thighs
•ball hips
•swivel waist
•hinged ab
•ball shoulders
•swivel biceps
•double elbows
•swivel forearms
•hinged wrists
•hinged neck
•swivel head
As mentioned, this is great fodder for Deadpool and for those of you wanting a little more oomph in your Deadpool sculpt, this is the figure to customize. All the parts, except the feet, carry over perfectly. Use one of your two extra Wolverine Legends for the figure. And then BAM! You are good to go. Deadpool. See?
You can still pick this figure up at: