Anyone else spend half the day trying to catch Captain America Legends Infinite Black Widow and/or Winter Soldier on Amazon today? I know, right? I would catch one or the other in the mobile app, hit 1-click buy, and it would be gone before I could check out. Boom, the other does the same thing. Gah! For $12.99 I’m going to hate myself if I miss them. Don’t get me wrong, toy deities please smile down upon your humble servant and deliver unto me these plastic idols within the realms of brick and mortar, but if this poor addicted chump can save $7 or $8 then he’s damn well going to try. Happy thoughts, happy thoughts. Happy Hour!
DSTZach posted a new video to show the size of their new 24″ Stay-Puft Bank!
Wow. It’s an even better fit with the 6 inch Ghostbusters than the first one was. The price tag is considerably more than the first but look at the size of that thing! You could use the carpool lane with him in the passenger seat.
DC Collectibles made a short tutorial on how the snow bases for their Arkham Origins display at SDCC were made!
Nothing too complicated but I’ve never thought of using baking soda and table salt for snow. Makes me want to to try out an old school snowy Iceman custom.
Teasers for the Transformers Masterpiece Bumblebee slipped out this week!
Another old school Autobot that I will absolutely have to add to my collection of MP Soundwave. What? I said I was poor! He’ll go nicely with Wheeljack and my paper cut-out of MP-10 Optimus that continues to allude me at a decent price.
I received this in my email and found it interesting. It’s PH-42!
There’s not a lot of information on how it will be released, but I’m guessing a Kickstarter of some sort. I love me some smooth white clunky robot, and hell even the camo is nice, so I’m going to keep an eye on this.
Hello human,
My name is PH-42. I am here to inform you that your destruction is inevitable! Soon I will be releasing a legion of robot soldiers to destroy your world.
Before I unleash my fiery vengeance on your planet I am giving you the opportunity to save yourself by helping me to build my robot army. Soon you’ll be given the opportunity to purchase one of these 2 unique vinyl robot soldiers: PH-42 (modeled after myself) and DIY-01. Not only do you get an amazingly detailed 7″(17.80cm) Robot Solider but by purchasing a robot soldier you guarantee your own survival.
Please keep these lines of communication open, as more details are soon to follow. Save your pennies now as only YOU can prevent your own obliteration.
Stay up to date on the latest information about your inescapable demise. Follow me on twitter @PH42Robot or on facebook at
– PH-42
And then there’s this…
Bill Paxton on Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD? Crazy! It also looks like we’ll see another Marvel character debut on the show, the Enchantress’ little sister Lorelei.
And who comes to help Coulson and crew stop her? My favorite Asgardian warrior, Sif!
I am such a sucker for dark haired women. Especially in armor…
Happy Hour’s over!