Gaaah, when it rains it pours! And here I was just griping about not having much to buy and the lack of any toy news. Now I can’t keep up with anything. I’m already behind again! I was just caught up! What’s that!? They are hitting already? I just bought the new ones, now there are new new ones? So goes the mindset of an average action figure collector. That’s not even to touch on you guys that buy multiples or are completists or MOC’ers. I don’t know how you crazy people do it. I’d be sitting on the steps on the mental institution within a month’s time. But that’s okay, I still love ya. C’mon in, it’s Happy Hour!
Not but a few days away from their reveal at Toy Fair, Ebay comes in and blows the surprise surrounding Funko’s first Legacy line, Game of Thrones!
Looks like we’re missing #2, Tyrion Lannister. Word on the street is he’s a store exclusive. To where is up in the air. Speculation going around is that these are early shelving samples sent to Barnes & Noble and that this may not even be the final packaging. But then the picture below popped up with multiples of each, so who really knows what’s going on.
You can see one of the completed Ebay auctions for Daenerys Targaryen here, who even at $100 sold pretty quickly.
Looks like the second series of Captain America Legends Infinite is creeping closer and closer with packaged Black Widow hitting Ebay!
Gaaaah, I can’t wait to finish my 6 inch movie Avengers display! The back of the package is especially interesting, showing the Hydra and AIM as variants still. We’ve heard that only Red Skull and Zemo were coming in the second assortment, which kinda sucks, but maybe there is still a chance for more AIM and Hydra soldiers? I sure hope so. I could use some more of each and I know a lot of you could too.
The auction is ending soon and is already going for a pretty penny but you can check it out here.
Yet another Ebay reveal, this time within the realm of Transformers. It’s 30th Anniversary Jetfire!
I’m not knowledgeable on the whole Jetfire/Skyfire, can use this mold or can’t controversy. I just know that I loved Jetfire when I was a kid. He was big and bulky, he made one of the nicer planes in the toyline, and he had a cool funky mid-transformation that rocked my socks even though I knew nothing of it’s actual origins. So to see this in all it’s beautiful glory I can’t help but think it’s going to make it into my very limited Transformers display. Being Leader class he’s sure to be tall enough to fit with Masterpieces, right?
You can see the original listing that has since been cancelled here.
Sneaking this one in because my article titles can get a little out of hand, but according to a placard at Wonderfest it looks like Medicom is going to do MAFEX Star Wars!
This one ISN’T on Ebay!
At first I thought “Oh no! Another articulated 6 inch line for me to buy?!” But then I realized, with the span of time between the releases so far and limited number of figures shown for each franchise up to this point I don’t think I have much to worry about. I can see them doing an absolutely amazing Darth Vader or Boba Fett, maybe a Clone Trooper, but I don’t think MAFEX is any threat to Hasbro’s Black line, even with it only being three waves in. It’s nice to have a choice.
And then there’s this…
It’s the return of The Walking Dead night, so why not check out ThreeZero’s new Merle figure? This was revealed at Wonderfest this weekend. And if they show a Daryl (really, why wouldn’t they?) I have a feeling my wife will hunt these down like a shoe sale on payday. And that’s not me making a sweeping generalization of women. Trust me, between my wife and two teenage daughters, they really do love their shoes.
Happy Hour’s over!