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New Custom Tuesday – 1/7/14

New Custom Tuesday is a weekly, creator-submitted list of the latest custom action figures. This list provides a convenient way to check out all the latest custom creations posted in the galleries without having to search each individual thread. For this week’s customs, read on!

This week’s featured custom is Whiskeytango’s Archaon the Everchosen!

Archaon the Everchosen - Whiskeytango
Archaon the Everchosen – Whiskeytango

Whiskey went the extra mile in creating this fantastic custom.  The figure and the weaponry are almost 100 percent new sculpt.

Archaon the Everchosen2 - Whiskeytango
Archaon the Everchosen – Whiskeytango

The sculpting is nice and sharp and matches the source material wonderfully.  I love that special care was taken to retain the articulation and poseability of this heavily armored character.

Check out Whiskeytango’s thread for a more detailed write-up of this beautiful figure and some WIP shots. Also this week, mkULTRA shared his hilarious new metal-fisted MOTU character Puncho Villa.

Puncho Villa - mkULTRA
Puncho Villa – mkULTRA

I’m sure this probably will offend somebody out there, but I had to laugh, and the punny name and the paintwork from mkULTRA is always solid and great to look at.

Finally, this week I posted a MOTUC female warrior on my custom thread.

Dragon-Lady - Matthew K
Dragon-Lady – Matthew K

That’s all for this week’s New Custom Tuesday!  As always, please click one of the above pics for a link to each individual’s custom thread in our forums and let them know what you think of their work!