I found a Star Wars Black Boba Fett at Toys R Us today. No, really. I was looking for Legends, either in Spidey or Cap flavors, and turned down the Star Wars aisle expecting nothing. But there on a peg full of Hans and Leias was Fett. Right in front. $19.99, in the wild. Crazy. Then I went to Target and there was a whole case of Cap Legends so I finally nabbed my second A.I.M. soldier. Yeah, really. Now I’m going to buy a lottery ticket after I finish up here. So belly up, it’s Happy Hour!
Threezero showed painted prototypes for Robocop, and a teaser for ED-209 on their Facebook page!
I haven’t been keeping up with the upcoming Robocop movie very closely but I can safely say that if I had to pick between the two designs it would be the “classic” silver. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for painting everything black but this is Robocop. He’s chrome/silver/ a light metal color. I’m even okay with the basic shape and redesign of ED-209. Same goes for how Robocop actually looks. The hand is a bit weird. But the color has to stay the same.
German based Toy-Palace listed some new figures for the Jakks Pacific line of larger scale Star Wars figures!
You’ve seen these at Wal-Mart, Toys R Us, and Target. 31 inches tall, hollow, and under $30 most of the time. They have very limited articulation but there is something charming and cool about these. Especially for a couple of dollars more than our usual six inch figures. Here’s the listings:
For the 31 inchers:
Commander Cody
Darth Maul
Han in Stormtrooper Disguise
Luke in Stormtrooper Disguise
Darth Vader with sound
From Star Wars Rebels:
Green Stormtrooper
And for some reason they are releasing Boba Fett and Chewbacca at 20 inches. Odd. Or perhaps a typo in the listings, even though the prices are cheaper than the others listed? Either way, if prices stay consistent, this is 20 inch tall figures for probably around $20. I’ll buy a Boba Fett for that kind of deal.
Entertainment Earth’s Daily Deal is the lifesize Conner Kenway statue from Assassin’s Creed III!
I didn’t even know about this thing! How did I miss this? Oh, because I was never in the market for over 6 feet and around 200 pounds of statue! But man, this would look cool in the corner of my living room. Until I wandered in bleary eyed in the middle of the night and karate chop it’s head clean off for making me soil my Batman pajamas.
He’s 30% off on Entertainment Earth.
And then there’s this…
Apparently, two of these went up for auction yesterday for $145. Both have already sold. Okay, who broke the line? We’re either all together in this or chaos ensues! Even odder, how does this set keep slipping under the radar? Not a peep out of Hong Kong factory piece sellers. We’ve seen it with all other Marvel Legends released recently but not these?
Happy Hour’s over!