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Fwoosh Happy Hour- Avengers AOU Fan Teaser, NECA Pacific Rim, and DST Sin City!

You just never know when Happy Hour is going to hit, do you? That’s okay, neither do I. But it’s the weekend, everyone is mellow, not a care in the world. Except I’m feeling the need to make a toy run. Silly Cap and Spidey Legends gave me the itch again. And the sad fact is, I’m finished with both lines. I just want to go and look. Y’know, just in case. What is wrong with me? Belly up, it’s Happy Hour!

Here’s a pretty cool fan teaser for Avengers: Age of Ultron!

Geek Evolution Avengers Age of UltronI still don’t know how I feel about the rumor of Stark creating Ultron. Or Jarvis becomes Ultron. Or the fact that if these rumors have been dispelled that I don’t keep up with movie rumors very closely. I stab at thee, Star Wars Episode I. I guess I’m going to wait and see. I have a lot of faith and trust and I’m pretty easy to please, so there’s that.

NECA posted pics of the paintmaster for their Pacific Rim Coyote Tango!

NECA Coyote TangoI still haven’t seen this movie! Yeah, I know. Shut up. But cool toy=cool toy.

A new shot of Sin City Hartigan popped up on the Diamond Select Facebook page!

Diamond Select Sin City HartiganThis movie I have seen, many times. And I don’t know if I mentioned this before but I passed on all the previous action figures from Sin City so this is right up my alley.


And then there’s this…

$(KGrHqZHJE0FIsjvpYJcBSQuO)cNo!~~60_3Yeah, they’re bootlegs. But they are also just as awesome, cheaper, and way more readily available than the original NECA Turtles at this point. Check them out here. 

Happy Hour’s over!