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New Custom Tuesday – 10/8/13

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New Custom Tuesday is a weekly, creator-submitted list of the latest custom action figures. This list provides a convenient way to check out all the latest custom creations posted in the galleries without having to search each individual thread. For this week’s customs, read on!

This week’s featured custom is GrownNerd’s Swordsman:

Swordsman - GrownNerd
Swordsman — GrownNerd

This is an instance of perfect fodder leading to a perfect custom. The fodder choices here are so dead-on perfect for this character.  Again, I think the DCUC body sculpt is perfectly suited for the era of comics this guy represents.

Swordsman - GrownNerd
Swordsman — GrownNerd

There is some very smooth and subtle sculpting going on here at the mask level to add the eye coverings that were not present on the original figure, and that matches up perfectly with the rest of the sculpt.  The paintwork finishes this figure off in a style that brings to mind prototypes and paint masters by the pros.

Valkyrie - GrownNerd
Valkyrie – GrownNerd

GrownNerd also submitted two more silky smooth sword-wielding characters this week with Valkyrie and Black Knight.

Black Knight - GrownNerd
Black Knight – GrownNerd

These two also display some ingenious fodder choices and polished finishing work that does justice to these classic characters. Check out GrownNerd’s thread by clicking one of the above pics for the custom recipes and more pics of this swashbuckling triumvirate.

Hit Girl (all grown up) - SixInchBabes
Hit Girl (all grown up) — SixInchBabes

SixInchBabes returns this week with a reimagined busty, older version of the character Hit Girl, the design of which makes a heck of a lot of sense when you consider his user name.

Grey Gargoyle - Toycooker
Grey Gargoyle — Toycooker

Toycooker submitted a couple of cool customs this week, starting with the first Grey Gargoyle custom I have seen in a loooooong time that wasn’t based on the old ML Black Panther base body, and it’s all the better for it.

Ares - Toycooker
Ares – Toycooker

His Ares mod adds a bulk and stature to the figure that brings him in line with the newer Wrecking Crew and Thor figures from Marvel Legends.

Toro - mkULTRA
Toro – mkULTRA

Every week mkULTRA makes me thankful that Mattel sold off so much old stock to Big Lots with his MOTUC customs.

Black Widow - 1987olds442
Black Widow – 1987olds442

Sometimes we customize in order to fill that hole in our collection we never quite filled at retail by putting together our versions of retail figures using some parts from that figure and some from others. Black Widow here is a perfect example of how to do that right.

That’s it for this week’s New Custom Tuesday!  As always, please click one of the above pics for a link to each customizer’s individual thread and let them know what you think of their work!