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New Custom Tuesday – 10/29/13

New Custom Tuesday is a weekly, creator-submitted list of the latest custom action figures. This list provides a convenient way to check out all the latest custom creations posted in the galleries without having to search each individual thread. For this week’s customs, read on!

Halloween Michael Myers - Fuzzybluedemon
Halloween Michael Myers – Fuzzybluedemon

This week’s featured custom is, appropriately enough, Fuzzybluedemon’s Halloween Michael Myers.


Halloween Michael Myers2 - Fuzzybluedemon
Halloween Michael Myers2 – Fuzzybluedemon

FBD managed to create a completely convincing scale jumpsuit for Michael Myers that allows for full range of motion and also adds to the whole creepy factor of this extremely creepy character.


Halloween Michael Myers - Fuzzybluedemon
Halloween Michael Myers – Fuzzybluedemon

The addition of the real hair completes the look and the whole thing frankly gives me the heebie jeebies.  Perfect!  Check out some more cool pics in FBD’s thread by clicking one of the above pics.

Mkultra is back this week with another sweet MOTUC custom, this time a robot assistant for Man-At-Arms.  The silver skin recalls robot women like Irona and Jocasta perfectly.

MOTUC She-bot - mkultra
MOTUC She-bot – mkultra

CRobTheCreator reaches back to the ’70s with this cool custom of semi-obscure Spidey villain Jackal.  Jackal was a favorite of mine as a kid due to an amazing book I picked up on a vacation road trip featuring Jackal and Grizzly.  They both looked so strange and fantastical in that book to my young eyes and CRob captured that weird Jackal vibe nicely here.

The Jackal - CRobTheCreator
The Jackal – CRobTheCreator

Toycooker dropped a couple of astoundingly cool takes on classic characters with Rhino and Captain Maple Leaf, I mean Guardian.

Rhino Sideshow style - Toycooker Customs
Rhino Sideshow style – Toycooker Customs

I’m fascinated with this head sculpt.  It really looks like the man’s face is bursting forth from a rhino’s head.  It’s a great and disturbing take on the classic design.  Guardian is probably the powerfully built version of that character I’ve seen.

Guardian - Toycooker customs
Guardian – Toycooker customs

GrownNerd shared three fantastic classic cosmic Marvel characters using mostly DCUC parts for that classic comic book feel.

Firelord - GrownNerd
Firelord – GrownNerd

I’m especially impressed with the mid-hulked-out version of Drax.  I’m not a big fan of hulking Drax in the books, but GN makes it look good here.  I love the subtle sculpt on the cowl and the super precise lines of his costume.

Drax the Destroyer - GrownNerd
Drax the Destroyer – GrownNerd

This is how you do Adam Warlock.

Adam Warlock - GrownNerd
Adam Warlock – GrownNerd

That’s it for this week’s New Custom Tuesday.  Check back next week for more custom goodness, and as always, please stop by each customizer’s individual thread and let them know what you think of their work.