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First Look – Watchmen Club Black Freighter Ozymandias


Rorschach’s Journal: September 17th, 2013. Final entry.

At last it is done. After all this time. The voyage of the Black Freighter is ending. Seemed an eternity. Now, like it is over before it stated. The end of a lot of things. The line. The team. The countdown. All of it. The punchline comes last. The king of kings. The superior to mankind. In his mind maybe.

Ozymandias. The one they have been waiting for. For most, it will be a completion. For some an ending. Either way, there will be no more tales from the Club Black Freighter. Hrm.

“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings; look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!” — “Ozymandias”


Adrian Veidt. The self-prolaimed “smartest man on Earth.” He sees it one way. I see it another. Doesn’t allow for anyone else to have smarts. Is he handsome? Rich? Educated? Intelligent? Maybe. But for all that, he never thought anyone would figure it out. He was wrong. We did. We found out. To what end? Blake? A million others? The last “mask”? Count them down. Humans might survive. Humanity is dead. Hrm.

Ozymandias arrives in November. With that, the team is done. Started with yours truly. Then Manhattan. Spectre. Dan. The Comedian. Now the king of kings. Counted down to the big joke. The boxes counted down too. The hand made it to midnight here. Finally. Now that it is here, kind of sad. The graffiti wall is done too. Looks good all together. Makes the perfect backdrop, if you have kept them all. Nice job to the packaging team. Thought it out well from the beginning. Gotta find the right spot for the display now. The wall is too good. Hrm.

Veidt. The model of the hero elite. Modern-day king. Adorned in purple and gold. The gold is particularly nice. Maybe the nicest gold paint I’ve seen on a figure. Maybe ever. Bright and shiny, but not cheap. Not vac-metal, but looks good. Even better than DCUC gold. Costume is right on the nose. Perfect translation from page to plastic. Lots of draping with the purple. Covers most of the upper body. Looks nice, but there is a problem. Arm movement is severely limited. Even more than Dreiberg’s. Elbows work, but shoulders are immobile. Abdominal muscles too. So looks good to stand, not to pose. We saw this coming. We knew it was the trade off. Paints are clean. Joints are strong. Plastic solid. Quality figure. Or a quality man? Hrm.

Comes with the stand. They all come with the stand. Makes for symmetry, but that is as about the only similarity between the group. Also: an alternate head. One masked, one unmasked. Makes sense, but still kind of odd. Not known as well for his mask. Would have been better if it was Blake. The masked head is more interesting. More character. Will display with that. No Bubastis. We kind of still expected Bubastis at Comic Con. Not to be. Would have made for the perfect end. Oh well. Hrm.

This is it. This is the end. We were told this would be all. Our one chance for comic Watchmen figures. All completed inside of a year. Perfect? No. Look good together? Highly desired team? Great to finally have them all? Of course. Pretty happy with this little collection. Can’t complain about much. Maybe Osterman. Everyone else is solid. The Crimebusters. Never meant to be. Never meant to watch over. Now you can watch them forever. Hrm.

Later, Black Freighter. Never thought you and DCIE would end together. Fitting, though. The hands are at midnight. Is there anything left? Not for this team. But this team isn’t the one that needs it.

*Thanks again to Toy Guru and team for sending this figure along for our preview. We never thought we would ever get comic-based Watchmen figures, and now that the team is complete, it is really cool!

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