Wow. I mean, WOW! I had every belief that the Four Horsemen’s Ravens Kickstarter would be fully-funded, but to reach the $65,000 goal before the end of the weekend? That is INSANE! That speaks to the quality of the work and love of the fan base. Too cool! Now, time to hit those stretch goals and I think now that the project is funded, some of the speculators will come down off the fence and plunk down their support. I will be chatting with 4H at SDCC this weekend, so I am sure there will still be a lot to talk about!
via The Four Horsemen:
Because of the tremendous response by action figure fans worldwide, the Four Horsemen Studios’ Gothitropolis Ravens Kickstarter campaign became fully funded at $65,000.00 in less than 57 hours!!
From Jim, Eric and Cornboy – “We just want to send out our most heartfelt thanks to all of the action figure fans that have supported this project from all over the planet. A very special thanks goes out to all of the FANtastic FANatics (you know who you are) for all of the support and patience you’ve shown to us over the years. Without all of you being there to give us a kick in the pants when we’ve stumbled, we would’ve never have been able to pull this off, especially in such an incredibly short timespan. You guys did it! You helped to bring our vision to life from the very first vote in the FANtastic Exclusive project years ago all the way up to pushing this Kickstarter campaign across the finish line in an AMAZING amount of time! We can’t begin to thank you enough! THANKS!!”
It’s not over yet though. No matter what, the first six variant Raven figures will go into production and will get into your hands and onto your shelves early next year. But there’s still the matter of the other six remaining variant Ravens. They’re set up as “stretch goals”, which means that each time a new stretch goal if met, that will be enough money to go into production on two more Ravens variant figures and they’ll be made available for purchase. The first stretch goal is for the White Raven and Quetzacoatl. The stretch goal is set at $85,000.00 and the Four Horsemen know that’s a lot of money and it seems like a LONG way off, with as quickly as fans got the project up the the “fully funded” goal, they don’t think that reaching each of the next three stretch goals is going to be all that difficult, especially with 28 days still left in the Gothitropolis Ravens Kickstarter campaign. So, the Four Horsemen still need all the help they can get from you to spread the word and get the news out there so we can get ALL 12 of the Gothitropolis Ravens rolling into production.
And then there’s the matter of the wings…
To go directly to the Four Horsemen’s Gothitropolis Ravens Kickstarter campaign, just click here:
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