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Action Figure Feature – Bloodlust Umbreus and DLX Close Combat Armory


New Spymonkey Creations items are up for sale today at noon, PST.  Today we take a look at the brand new deluxe version of Umbreus and a deluxe weapons pack!

Umbreus_02Umbreus is the main villain of Spy Monkey Creations’ Weaponeers of Monkaa toy line.  Dropping 5/1/13 at noon, PST, is Bloodlust Umbreus.  According to the story posted on, Bloodlust Umbreus is a powered up version of the usually construction-colored Umbreus.

Bloodlust Umbreus VS Palidar and Empyreus

Check out the story if you have a chance.  It really made me interested in picking up this Umbreus and the Obsidian Golem featured in the sale.  Plus, it’s also illustrated to great effect by artist and Fwoosher Nate Baertsch.

Umbreus_04This deluxe version of Umbreus is basically a repaint of the regular Umbreus with some extra vac-metal spike pieces to help complete his powered-up look.

Umbreus_05I do like this version of the Umbreus build as it bulks him up a bit, and the spikes make for an overall more intimidating profile.

Umbreus_06If you aren’t familiar with the Weaponeers of Monkaa figures, they are built on the glyos system of joints.  These swivel joints work on pegs and the all the separate parts can be swapped around and changed up.

Umbreus_07The cool thing about these Weaponeers of Monkaa sets is that all the characters can be built from one package.  Each of the heads (except Empyreus and Umbreus) can be used as weapons or hands.

Bloodlust Brutok
Bloodlust Brutok


Bloodlust Obsidian Golem
Bloodlust Obsidian Golem
Bloodlust Empyreus
Bloodlust Empyreus


Knife Fist
Knife Fist





Bloodlust Umbreus goes on sale 5/1/13 for 15.00 at

Weaponeers of Monkaa DX Obsidian Close Combat Armory

DSC_7881Umbreus_08.5These weapons are compatible with glyos system figures like the Weaponeers of Monkaa or 6-inch scale figures like the Masters of the Universe Classics figures.

Bat-Sword and Bat-Knife
Bat-Sword and Bat-Knife

These weapon pieces can also be taken apart and reconfigured into innumerable combinations to make a wide variety of bladed weapons.


This set includes a chromed version of the bat-wing sword blade from previous Spy Monkey weapons sets.

Reflective Weapon.

When mixed with previous Spy Monkey Creations weapons packs, these blades  can be added to figures like Trap Jaw to give him more attachment options.

Umbreus_11Umbreus_12Umbreus_13These black weapons are perfect for Trappy, but would work for a wide variety of your MOTU figures.  You also need the chrome blade to fight off MOTUC Snake Face!  At 5 bucks, these accessories are a total steal.  These also go on sale 5/1/13 at noon pacific at

Umbreus Trading Card Art
Umbreus Trading Card Art
Flaw Trading Card Art

Here is the sale information straight from Spy Monkey!

The full list of products going on sale will include:
1.  Weaponeers of Monkaa DX Bloodlust Umbreus – $15
This is a deluxe Weaponeer figure featuring additional paint details, a full set of bonus heads, sword and sickle weapon and bonus Vac Metal ABS Accessories! Each figure includes 35 Glyos System Compatible black PVC and silver chrome ABS parts.
2.  Weaponeers of Monkaa Flaw the Obsidian Gohlem – $12
This standard Weaponeer figure includes a full set of bonus heads and sword and sickle accessories.  Each figure includes 31 Glyos System Compatible black PVC parts.
3.  Weaponeers of Monkaa DX Obsidian Close Combat Armory – $5
This deluxe Close Combat Armory includes a complete PVC Close Combat Armory in an alternate build plus bonus Vac Metal ABS parts!  Each Set includes 17 Glyos System Compatible black PVC and silver chrome ABS parts.
4.  Weaponeers of Monkaa Obsidian Close Combat Armory – $3
This standard Close Combat Armory includes 14 Glyos System Compatible black PVC.
 Thanks again to the guys at Spy Monkey for sending this set along for review!