I’m a comic book guy myself, but I understand the appeal of the Marvel Movie figures. It’s cool to have cinematic versions of all of your favorites lined up together on the shelf together. Unfortunately, there are still a handful of characters needed to flesh out the Marvel Movie Universe. Let’s take a look at ten we still need as 6″ action figures!
It’s a no-brainer. We’ve got a kajillion different Iron Man armors and yet we still don’t have a figure of their intrepid inventor. Sure, there was a head pack-in with one of the Iron Man 2 movie figures, but I’m talkin’ full-on gauntlet-wearin’ arc-reactor showin’ dirty t-shirt Tony. Yeah, it would be great to have RDJ as Stark in a suit, but think about it — how often would you use that figure in a display compared to a version dressed in his “work clothes?” We need a civilian Tony STAT.
While we’re on the subject of no-brainers, where’s our Iron Man 2 Whiplash figure? It’s absurd that we don’t have the main villain from Shellhead’s last movie in Legends form. I know people get down on this flick, but Mickey Rourke gave a killer performance as Ivan Antonovich Vanko. Say it with me now: “I vhant my burd!” Is a 6″ figure too much to ask after all he did to entertain us? I think not.
Yes, the Destroyer has been represented in Marvel Legends before, but it was a chase figure that, frankly, left a lot to be desired. Let’s have a full-bore Thor movie Destroyer featuring lift-up visor and fire-blast accessory. This one has to be covered in a ton of tiny pointy spikes, and if little Billy can’t handle it, then he can go back to playing his damn Xbox. There are few foes tough enough to take down Thor — for that reason alone The Destroyer deserves to get a decent figure.
If we’re talkin’ Thor, then we can’t forget his pappy! Played by the inimitable Anthony Hopkins, Odin would stand front and center of any Asgardian movie display. Who else is going to chastise your Thor figure? Make sure he has his spear Gungnir and we’re golden, although a Cosmic Cube accessory would be pretty sweet to throw in as well.
Bet you didn’t see that once comin’! Yeah, I know, everybody hates this movie, but I actually really enjoyed it. It made the effort to capture the old Tales to Astonish vibe and I thought that was a great way to go. Anyway, I want a General Ross figure. He and my J. K. Simmons J. Jonah Jameson figure can stand around and be curmudgeonly together. Harrumph! These kids and their music and haircuts and I just don’t know anymore…
5. CAPTAIN AMERICA (“Stage” Uniform)
No, I’m not talkin’ full-on monkeysuit here, I’m talkin’ about the cool modified version Cap wore to rescue Bucky. Yeah, it’s scene-specific, but it’s a great look and a sensible combination of classic comic and real-world elements. You gotta admit, this would be cool on the shelf!
Gweneth Paltrow isn’t my ideal version of Pepper but she has made the role her own. Consider that she gets more screen time in the Iron Man movies than Rhodey/War Machine and it’s obvious she needs representation in the plastic department. I don’t need her to sport 42 points of articulation or any sort of gimmicky action feature, I just need a decent-looking ginger for Tony to bounce one-liners off of. Make it happen, Hasbro.
Okay, I know Bucky is going to be the creamy nougat center of the new Captain America movie, but I’m sure he’ll be wearing a whole new getup. It would be cool to have this pre-Winter Soldier version of him, maybe in a two-pack with the aforementioned Rescue Cap. Recreate his “death” scene by throwing the figure out of your car window and relive the action.
I’ll be the first to admit I don’t get the fanboy love for Coulson. Honestly, I’d be more excited to see Agent Gyrich on the screen but that’s just because I’ve always imagined him being Marvel’s version of Hunter S. Thompson. Anyway, I know you guys are all about the Coulson, so I figured I’d throw his hat in the ring even though he’s dead and boring. You’re welcome.
Because who doesn’t want a little Scarjo to play with? Hasbro dropped the ball by not getting a Widow figure into the first movie line. She needs to be front and center for Avengers 2, and packed at least two to a case so there are plenty to go around. Please, Hasbro — I need to get this monstrosity off of my shelf!
Do you agree with TMITAH or is just he a trolling bag of dogcrap? Discuss it on the Fwoosh forums!
Jason R Mink IS the Man in the Ant Hill! – 03/23/13