Didn’t get what you wanted for Christmas? Did Santa fill your stocking with closeout 5” Superman Returns Jor-El figures, but what you really wanted was a 6” Lori Lemaris with swappable legs/fins? This is your chance to let your voice be heard and tell us what you really want.
It’s been over a year since we held a Top Ten vote for DC action figures, and there have been a lot of news, announcements, and reveals in that time. DC Universe Classics has been splintered into three separate lines: The DC and Batman Unlimited lines at retail, and the Club Infinite Earths line on MattyCollector.com. By now we all know the drill; the retail lines are focused on A-list characters and current designs, aimed toward a wide audience. The subscription line is dedicated to more obscure characters aimed at collectors. In the end, they are all compatible, 6” scale figures designed by Four Horsemen Studios. So this poll isn’t limited to one line or the other. We just want the answer to one simple question: Who are your ten most wanted DC action figures? Period. That said, there are, of course, some rules.
The Rules
1. You must be a registered member of TheFwoosh.com to vote.
2. Only one vote per person. We have multiple ways to identify duplicate votes, so don’t try to vote under a different name. If you see the “breadcrumb” spot on the topic, then you have already voted in the thread. You may edit your vote as many times as you want, until the voting has closed.
3. You are voting for ten characters you want to be made into 6-inch scale, “DCUC compatible,” action figures across Mattel’s Unlimited and Club Infinite Earths lines. There is no delineation in this poll for C&C or “oversized” characters; if you want the Infinity Man, Mogo, or Giant Turtle Man Jimmy Olsen, go ahead and vote for ‘em. Their votes will get counted right along with all the normal sized characters.
4. Post your votes in the following format. This is absolutely critical:
Liberty Belle
Mark Moonrider
Phantom Girl
Big Bear
Plastic Man [Flashpoint]
Feel free to copy and paste the list above and then change the characters to your picks (or don’t change them — that’s a pretty good list right there!)
5. NO numbers. Your votes must be spaced one name per line, not sentence format. We feed this into a computer program and it’s very important for those of us counting these up that it’s in this format. The order in which you list the characters is not important!
6. Check your spelling. As we said, we are feeding this into a computer program, and it’s important all characters have their names spelled correctly. It also helps if we all go by the same names. For example, if someone put Robin down in their vote and then someone else put down Tim Drake in another vote, it will be counted as different characters. So please try to be consistent and use the same names.
7. As you know, many of DC’s Characters are “legacy characters.” So if you want to specify the character iteration in your vote, use this format:
Hourman [Rick Tyler]
Dr. Mid-Nite [Pieter Cross]
8. We can’t normalize versions of characters without a lot of extra work. For instance, “Bronze Age Black Canary” is going to have difficulty being counted. When we tabulate the votes, designs and costumes are not factored in (but unique characters are: see 7 above). However, we don’t mind if you list it, because it gives us a sense of what designs are popular. Just be sure that you list the character’s name first, and note the version in brackets, like this:
Black Canary [Birds of Prey]
And try to keep it brief. No need for this: Huntress [the purple one she wore between the first one and the first Jim Lee one, but not the version with the big cross the one with the pouches on the boots]
9. No “talking” in the voting threads. This thread is for voting only. If you want to talk about the vote, post in the vote discussion thread, listed below. The voting thread is only for data collection, and should have nothing in there except votes.
10. No voting for the same character more than once. This goes for variations of the same character. For example, you can’t vote for Zatanna in four different costumes, as this would skew the vote.
11. If you don’t follow the rules, your vote won’t be counted.
As a reference, the following characters have been confirmed by Mattel for 2013:
Aquaman [New 52]
Batman [Dark Knight Returns]
Batman [Injustice]
Batman of Zurr-En-Arrh
Captain Marvel Jr.
Darkseid [New 52]
Elongated Man
Flash [Wally West]
Joker [Injustice]
Mallah and the Brain
Phantom Stranger
Red Hood
Saint Walker
Superman [Injustice]
Wonder Woman [New 52]
Now get out there and vote! And maybe next year Santa will bring you that Granny Goodness you’ve been pining for. That is, if you haven’t been a naughty boy. Granny doesn’t abide the naughty ones.