The DC section of the Mattypalooza panel featured quite a few cool new figures, and it reinvigorated my DCUC fandom that had been slowly fading since last SDCC. Click through for a gallery of pics of new DCIE, Young Justice, and Watchmen figures.
To be honest, the DC panel at last year’s SDCC was pretty deflating. They offhandedly announced the end of DCUC at retail, and presented a DCIE subscription with not many figures ready to show. Well, this year didn’t really feature a whole lot more figures, but every single one was an oft-requested, fan-service, team-completing figure. The Doom Patrol, Metal Men, and Satellite Era JLA are now complete. Hell, they even kicked off one of my favorite teams (The Freedom Fighters) with Uncle Sam and Doll Man, not to mention DCUC-style Watchmen figures. Check out the gallery below for more pics.