Name: Luke Porter
Email: [email protected]
Name of line: Pirates of the Caribbean Minimates
Captain Jack Sparrow: Chef Demassi minimate body, stickers for face and chest, hair from Elektra, vest from New X-Men Wolverine, belt/waist piece from Robert Deal, sword from BrickArms (trimmed), shoulder strap cut from a sheet of plastic.
Will Turner: Chef Demassi minimate body, stickers for face and chest, modified Akuma waist piece, sword from BrickArms (trimmed).
Elizabeth Swann: Body from Formal Wear Sand Saref, stickers for face, chest, and lego coin.
Barbossa: Body and coat from Charles Vanes, sticker for face, beard & hat sculpted with Apoxie Sculpt, feather in hat and gun from Charles Vanes, sword from BrickArms (trimmed).