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New Custom Tuesday – 9/6/11

New Custom Tuesday is a weekly, creator submitted list of the latest custom action figures. This list provides a convenient way to check out all the latest custom creations posted in the galleries without having to search each individual thread. For this week’s customs, read on!

This week’s featured custom is GrownNerd’s ‘Fear Itself’ Juggernaut

Juggernaut - GrownNerd

I’m not familiar with the storyline or origin of this particular version of Juggernaut, but the custom was instantly appealing to me.  First off, he looks to be Juggernaut redesigned with a bit of a Jack Kirby/New Gods feel to him.  Secondly, this Juggernaut has the build and presence I feel that has been lacking from any factory Juggernaut figure I’ve ever seen.  He’s massive, but the proportions are good.

Juggernaut - GrownNerd

I figured we would see a lot of customs using the Arkillo/Validus/Kilowog base body for Hulk figures and they would look great, but GN wasn’t satisfied with just a repaint.  Check out the WIP shots in the thread to see all the chopping, modding and sculpting that went into getting these proportions just right.  After all that work, the parts fit together perfectly and look seamlessly integrated.  You have to love those white lines on the costume!  The precision is pretty astounding.  Do yourself a favor and click one of the above pics for a link to GN’s thread with more Juggernaut pics and a ton of WIP shots.   The write up is like taking a master’s class in figure modifications.

Here’s the rest of the past month’s customs (sorry for the delay, gents!).  Click one of the below pics for a link to each customizer’s individual thread in our Custom Galleries!  Tell these guys what you think of their work!

Exiles Holocaust - CaptainRon


Quicksilver & Crystal - glennwebman69
Shadowland Daredevil - Ray
Gladiator - Finn Varra
Moss Man - Arez
Beastman - pablolobo
Zodac - pablolobo
Garbage Pail Kids EERIE ERIC - glennwebman69
Post - warrack
Artie & Leech - Calbretto
Killer Croc and Bane - Dr. Banner/MR. HULK


Maverick - CRobTheCreator
"Batman:Under The Red Hood" Batman and Robin statue- figurechick
Neo - Ricky_Stream
Krang's Android Body - Discogod
Titanium Man - ethansuplee
Venom - warrack
Ork Warboss - Whiskeytango
John Matrix: Commando - Ole Jade Jaw
Monster Spider-Woman - glennwebman69
Galen Marek - Lestat

Thanks for looking and check back in a week for the next edition of New Custom Tuesday! If you are interested in submitting your customs for inclusion in an upcoming New Custom Tuesday, check out this thread in the Fwoosh forums.