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New Custom Tuesday – 7/5/11

New Custom Tuesday is a weekly, creator submitted list of the latest custom action figures. This list provides a convenient way to check out all the latest custom creations posted in the galleries without having to search each individual thread. For this week’s customs, read on!

This week’s featured custom is Warrack’s Dr. Strange!

Dr. Strange - Warrack

This costume is not one I remember ever seeing in print, but I absolutely love the detail Warrack packed into this custom.  First off the design on the chest is just beautifully ornate.  I’m not sure how Warrack did it, but it’s fantastic.

Eye of Agamotto

Warrack always packs his customs with tons of neat details and lots of swappable features, but he really outdid himself with this one.  The closed eye is removeable and swappable with…

Open eye - Warrack

An open eye!  How cool is that!?  But that’s not all!  You also get…

Book of Vishanti - Warrack

The mother-lov’n Book of Vishanti!  The book has this really great sculpted relief on the cover, a scary looking spine and real paper pages.

Detailed pages of The Book of Vishanti - Warrack

The pages look appropriately ancient and the writing looks mystical and arcane as they should.  I’ve tried  a similar technique to make a book like this for a custom and I used to be very happy with how it turned out.  Now I just want to light it on fire, Warrack’s Book of Vishanti is so damn cool.  But that’s not all!  We’ve still got…

Wong! - Warrack

I don’t recall ever seeing this recipe for Wong before, but I bet we see a lot more after this one.  It’s a great fit.  I especially like the swirly black pattern on the cuffs and collar – it’s very Dr. Strange appropriate.  Check out more pics of these customs and many other brilliant Warrack creations by clicking one of the above pictures for a link to Warrack’s thread.

Here’s the rest of this week’s cool customs.  Please click one of the below pics to let these creators know what you think of their work!

Eon - CRobTheCreator
self custom - zombie13
Tiger-Man - NiteOwl
World War Hulk - Finn Varra
Scarlet Witch - Discogod
Sorceress 200X - kalel0201
Nick Fury in Movie Style - Mint Condition Customs

Thanks for looking and check back in a week for the next edition of New Custom Tuesday! If you are interested in submitting your customs for inclusion in an upcoming New Custom Tuesday, check out this thread in the Fwoosh forums.