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First Look – DC Universe Classics All-Star Flash

Yeah, I know. I know, I know, I know. We usually don’t feature All-Star figures in our First Looks because they are usually re-issues of previous and popular figures. Makes sense, right? Chances are we have had a in-depth look at them previously. Personally, I like the All-Star figure concept as it keeps the big names in the case without taking up a valuable new Collect and Connect slot. Well, we are taking a quick look at the new All-Star Flash figure that is currently shipping because, well, he IS different than all of his previous releases!

It really isn’t complicated with this release, it is just that this is the first time Mattel has made an All-Star different than before. Essentially, this Barry Allen is the same figure as before BUT… he does not use the medium build chest pieces like you would find on Hal Jordan or the Blue Beetle. Or, you know? Every previous Flash figure? This time he uses the larger chest from figures like Captain Atom, Amazo and Batman. Now, aside from a slightly larger build and somewhat different chest logo, he has all the things that make The Flash The Flash. It is just interesting that he was produced in this fashion. There are a lot of different reasons why this could have been done, I am not going to speculate on that though. However, if you want your Flash to be a little more Major League Baseball in stature, be sure to be on the look out for this All-Star edition.

All-Star Flash
Close-Up Manly Chest
Barry and Barry
Barry and Barry and Barry. No Wally! No Jay 🙁
Chesty LaRue on the left, standard on the right
From one Barry to another, Bonds was right about this stuff!
Jose Canseco and Mark McGuire were right too! Looka me go!
Hal got left out of this Super Pose Down!

*Thanks to the Mattel team for sending this sample and thank you for reading!

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