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New Custom Tuesday – 5/10/11

New Custom Tuesday is a weekly, creator submitted list of the latest custom action figures. This list provides a convenient way to check out all the latest custom creations posted in the galleries without having to search each individual thread. For this week’s customs, read on!

This week’s featured custom is Actorjez’s Red Hulk!

Red Hulk - Actorjez

I thought the Red Hulk figure from Hasbro was perfectly serviceable until I saw this custom version.  The mishmash of Hulk parts actually ends up giving you a more modern McGuinness feel than the original sculpt does.

Red Hulk - Actorjez

The more detailed body sculpt provides a perfect canvas for jez’s skills (I’ve always admired Actorjez for his dry brushing prowess) to shine.  Check out a ton of great customs and always instructive write-ups at Actorjez’s thread by clicking one of the above pictures.

Here’s the rest of this past week’s customs!  Click on the pic below for a link to each customizer’s individual thread in our galleries.  Let these talented men and women know what you think of their work!

Frost Giant Arrete - CRobTheCreator
Dormammu - warrack
Black Mask - Arez
Tony Stark - zombie13
Panthor - BISHART
Phantom Rider - rowdy
The Damned Captain Emil Faust - Weapon XIX
da man - DCUC Green Lantern Hal Jordan
"Batman Begins" Dr. Crane - figurechick
X-Force Domino - Seawing
Weapon Arms Apocalypse BAF - glennwebman69
Dusty - D&D Customs
Deadpool - anthonyrapitis


Thanks for looking and check back in a week for the next edition of New Custom Tuesday! If you are interested in submitting your customs for inclusion in an upcoming New Custom Tuesday, check out this thread in the Fwoosh forums.