Well, the drawings have taken place and we are very happy to announce our three winners of Mattel Collector Appreciation Tour JLU Three-Pack giveaways. Before we make the reveals though, we want to thank everyone for entering the drawings and thank Matty and his crew for making it possible.
So, without further ado…
Giveaway #1 Winner: Fwoosh E-Zine Reader, Wakko!
Wakko, your set of Firestorm, Angle Man and Killer Frost is one the way!
Giveaway #2 Winner: Fwoosh Facebook Fan, Rafael Rodriguez!
Rafael, your set of Goldface, Evil Star and Kyle Rayner is on the way!
And finally,
Giveaway #3 Winner: Fwoosh Forum Member, The Gill-Man!
The Gill-Man, your set of Heatwave, The Flash and Mirror Master is on the way!
Congrats to the winners! However, if you were not one of the luck ones, remember that you can still pick up your own Three-Packs along the way at Mattel’s Collector Appreciation Tour throughout the year. In fact, your first chance is in Chicago, IL at the C2E2 this weekend!