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CC27: GI Jane by is proud to present for the first time at CustomCon Winter 2010 our GI Jane Spring Line-Up. Following the work of artist Brock Lee, Devils Due Publishing’s Mainframe and Hasbro’s Dial-Tone, GI Jane takes characters from the established GI Joe Universe and switches their gender, all the while retaining the characteristics that make them recognizable. Each figure is highly articulated and comes with accessories to play out the action scenarios.

Yo Jane!
She’ll fight for freedom where ever there’s trouble.
GI Jane is there!
It’s GI Jane against Cobra the enemy
Fighting to save the day.
She never gives up.
She’s always there,
Fighting for freedom over land and air!
GI Jane- A real American heroine
GI Jane is there!
GI Jane is the codename for American’s daring, highly trained
special mission force.
It’s purpose, to defend human freedom against Cobra-
a ruthless, terrorist organization determined to rule the world.
She never gives up.
She’ll stay til the fight’s won.
GI Jane will dare!
GI Jane- A real American heroine
GI Jane! group entry. [email protected]

Duchess by drbindy

1st Sergeant

Head: Star Wars Juno Eclipse

Torso and Arms: ROC Dial Tone

Upper legs: 25th Lady Jaye

Lower Legs: 25th Duke

Shockwave by TR101AL

S.W.A.T. Specialist

Torso and waist: 25th Lady-Jaye

Arms and hands: Diver Baroness modded with Sculpey II

Legs: Pilot Scarlett modded with Sculpey II

Holster and Pouch: Star Trek holster

Head: VvV Beachhead

Hat: VvV Gung-ho

Back pack: 25th Joe

Vest: Agent Annika modded

Destra by TR101AL

Arms Dealer

Head: SW Ventress

Body, arms, and legs: Rise of Cobra the Baroness

Collar, grenades and missiles: DVD pack Destro modded

Briefcase: ROC Baroness with misc Joe weapons, liner is made from a tent patch.

Beachhead by daremo

Character real name – Wanda Sneeden


Head: Comic Pack Beachhead

Torso: ROC Cover Girl, modded/extended with green stuff

Upper Arms: ROC Helix

Lower Arms: 25th Snake-Eyes

Legs: DVD Lady Jaye

Feet: 25th Snake-Eyes

Vest: Comic Pack Beachhead

Gun: Comic Pack Beachhead

Backpack: Comic Pack Beachhead

Ammo Pouch: Comic Pack Beachhead

Firefly by daremo

Cobra Saboteur

Head: 25th Firefly

Torso: DVD Lady Jaye modded with 25th Firefly webgear

Arms: ROC Helix

Upper Legs: ROC Helix modded with 25th Clutch holster

Lower Legs: ROC Reactive Armor Scarlett

Backpack: 25th Firefly

Detonator: 25th Firefly

Pistol: 25th Firefly

Gun: 1985 Accessory Pack #3

Storm Shadow by daremo

Character real name – Tomiko Arashikage

Cobra Ninja

Head: Slayer Design Studio

Torso: ROC Covert Ops Scarlett modded with green stuff

Upper Arms: Marvel Universe Marvel Girl modded

Lower Arms: ROC Cover Girl modded with green stuff

Upper Legs: 25th Storm Shadow

Lower Legs: ROC Cover Girl

Feet: 25th Storm Shadow

Belt: 25th Storm Shadow

Backpack: 25th Storm Shadow modded with green stuff and coffee stirrer straws

Bow: 25th Storm Shadow

Swords: custom

Knife: custom

Removable Mask: green stuff

Rock n Roll by pluv

Character real name – Christy McConnell

Heavy Machine Gunner

Head, torso, arms, and thighs: RoC Covergirl

Lower legs and feet: RoC Attack on the Pit Duke

Hat: Spy Troops Recondo

Pony tail: Indiana Jones Akatar Warrior

Bandoleer: 25th Rock n Roll

Bracelet: SHS Ghostrider

M-60E3 and stand: Marauder Inc.

Outback by pluv

Character real name – Stacy Selkirk


Head: cast of GIJCC Natalie head

Torso and thighs: comic pack Samurai Storm Shadow modified

Arms: DVD pack Lady Jaye

Lower legs and feet: Hit and Run

Harness: 25th Stalker

Knife: VvV Swamp Rat

Spec Ops M4 with Starlight scope: Marauder Inc. and Soldier Force strap

Backpack: Evergreen plastic tubes and kneadtite

Flashlight, stand, and satellite phone: Marauder Inc.

Canteen: InToyz

Binoculars: PTE

Smoke grenade: XD weapons pack

Grappling hook and rope: Hit and Run

Topographic Cobra Island map: printer paper

MRE and GI Joe Find Your Fate, Operation: Jungle Doom: kneadtite and printed pictures

Ghillie suit: Spy Troops Cross Hair