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CC27: Eyes of M.A.R.C.H. Minimates by Jeff Stephens

From the partnership between Diamond Select Toys and Middle-Aged Men Making Toys, Inc., comes a brand-new toy line using the popular Minimate figure!

In the future, mankind is under attack! Ordinary defenses have failed against threats like mutant monsters, alien invaders and mad scientists! Mankind needed heroes that could see the danger coming – and so they built the Eyes of M.A.R.C.H.!

A highly-sophisticated band of robots, the Eyes of M.A.R.C.H. (Mobile Advanced Response Crisis Hunters) are equipped with the new “All-See” scanning technology, giving them near-complete knowledge of the area around them for miles. With advanced AI systems designed to process “All-See” data into strategies, the Eyes act with devastating precision against the dangers that threaten mankind!

Mobile Advanced Response Crisis Hunters

The first set will include the following figures:

Sureshot is the field commander of the Eyes of M.A.R.C.H. Cool under pressure, Sureshot develops winning plans against any threat, from giant monsters to robot pirate armies. Sureshot leads the team into battle with his trusty assault rifle in hand!

Buckshot is the gunner of the Eyes of M.A.R.C.H. Patient and deliberate, Buckshot explodes into action like a 20-ton bomb. Buckshot is known for wildly jumping into battle, spreading destruction with his twin shotguns!

Hardshot is the powerhouse of the Eyes of M.A.R.C.H. With his overpowered hydraulic system and near-invulnerable shell, Hardshot is the strongest member of the Eyes. Hardshot can take the enemy’s best shot without flinching, then fire back with his wrist and shoulder mounted guns!

Boomshot is the explosives expert of the Eyes of M.A.R.C.H. Nothing looks better to his eye than watching a carefully-created explosive detonate and inflict maximum damage. Boomshot used his grenade launcher to deliver his explosive payloads with deadly accuracy.

Bloodshot is the scout and infiltrator of the Eyes of M.A.R.C.H. Made with highly-flexible materials and equipped with sound-dampening technology, Bloodshot is capable of near-silent entry into any location. Once inside, Bloodshot can take on multiple foes with his trusty sword!

Commander Shot is the leader of the Eyes of M.A.R.C.H. The oldest of the Eyes, the Commander likes to join the squad in the field as much as possible. Unknown to the rest of the Eyes, Commander Shot knows the dark secrets behind the Eyes’ creation…

Jeff Stephens

[email protected]



Each of the Eyes of M.A.R.C.H. has an eyeball head made from Magic Sculpt, modified to fit on the neck post of a Minimate. Each eye was then hand painted.

Sureshot is made from a repainted Minimate. His chest, torso and gloves all come from a
Cylon Warrior Minimate, while his boots come from a War Machine Minimate. His assault rifle comes from the Spirit box set.

Buckshot is made from a repainted Minimate. His chest armor comes from an Extremis Iron Man, while his gauntlets and boots come from the Mark 1 Iron Man. His belt is from a New X-Men Wolverine Minimate. Details were added using water-transfer decals. His twin shotguns come from the Spirit box set.

Hardshot is made from a repainted Minimate. His chest armor comes from a movie War Machine Minimate, with modified Terminator plasma rifles mounted to the shoulders. His gauntlets and hands come from the regular War Machine Minimate. His legs are from the movie Iron Monger Minimate.

Boomshot is made from a repainted Minimate. His chest armor comes from the Iron Patriot Minimate, while his gloves and torso piece come from an Extremis Minimate. His boots come from a Guy Gardner Minimate, with details added with Magic Sculpt. His chest details are added with a water-transfer decal. His grenade launcher is made from different G.I. Joe-style guns.

Bloodshot is made from a repainted Minimate. His chest armor comes from a Ghost Rider Minimate, with the shoulder spikes cut off and glued to his hands. The hands and gauntlets come from a Juggernaut Minimate, while his belt comes from a New X-Men Wolverine Minimate. His legs are from a movie War Machine Minimate. His sword and scabbard are from a Blade Minimate, with is attached to a chest strap made from Magic Sculpt.

Commander Shot:
Commander Shot is made from a repainted Minimate. His shirt is from an Admiral Kirk Minimate, cut shorter and with a new belt buckle added with Magic Sculpt. His skirt is from a Golden Armor Iron Man, with gloves from a Titanium Man Minimates, and feet from an X-Force Wolverine Minimate. His gun is from a G.I. Joe figure.