I ask fwooshmembers questions.
They answer them.
If I had the money to vacation I’d probably spend it on toys
Where do you live?
I live in Arkansas currently, but I was born and raised in California, that’s where my soul will always be. Somewhere in the ocean surfing while my body burns in the 110% state of humidity that is known as AR.
Where do you work?
I’m a “paper boy”. It’s not nearly as bad as it sounds, aside from the occasional bad customer. It’s under two hours of work a night and I make as much as doing this as I would working for a fast food place. I’m also a full time student and my band is doing our first show together within the next month.
Who is in you family?
I had a mommy and a daddy, but daddy died and I don’t talk to mommy anymore. I’ve got two sisters and three brothers, and a on again off again girlfriend that I’ll probably end up marrying. Cue unenthusiastic face*
What kind of car do you drive?
I drive a Ford Focus, not my dream car, but it works for my needs. Plus the 40+mpg, after mods, is nice.
Any pets?
I had the world’s most awesome cat until a week ago, Stitch, so now all I have is my dog Cappy.
What are your future plans?
I try not to think about the future because it’s horribly stressful. Gotta take it easy and be mellow dude… I wish I could be like that. I’m majoring in English Ed so I can teach High School English. Somewhere down the line I plan on becoming a teacher, if the whole music gig thing doesn’t work out.
Do you customize?
I try. I’ve been pushing myself to try to better my “skills” recently, so I’ve been wasting a lot of supplies with no good turnouts. Other than that my custom work has slowed since DCUC started up, seems like every time I start something Mattel reveals it before I can finish.
Do you cook?
I do. My cooking obsession started when my spent my 7th grade summer watching nothing but the Food Network and trying to replicate what I saw that day for dinner. My brothers and sisters must have hated me the rest of the year after that. Since then I’ve honed my skills though.
Almond Milk?
So good! My brother introduced it to me when I got tired of soy and went back to “cow’s” milk. It’s delicious. I’m not lactose intolerant in any shape or form, I’ve just never really liked what companies try to pass off as milk. Blue Diamond Vanilla Almond Breeze is the best I’ve had in the limited selection you can find in my town.
What is in your collection?
Not as much as there used to be, HA! I’ve got a few select MLs and MS figures, along with some 7th Kingdom stuff, and the NECA Turtles, Random video game figures and of course DCUC
Where do you vacation? Where would you like to vacation?
If I had the money to vacation I’d probably spend it on toys and continue to dream about vacationing in Ireland and Scotland.
What other sites do you visit?
As far as toy sites go I pretty much stick to The Fwoosh, but I frequent Niketalk, for my sneaker fix, and I’m developing a bad habit of checking my Deviant Art every few minutes.
Which do you prefer Marvel or DC?
I’m a Green Lantern guy, but I do enjoy Marvel’s cosmic stuff. It’s just the way I was raised. Whole family seemed to love DC more than Marvel. I think it was the fact that my grandpa work with WB on Superman. When I was little the only comics my mom bought me were DC, and my only marvel exposure was the X-Men and Spiderman cartoons.
Why so much love for Green Lantern?
It all started as a kid. Green Lantern and Batman seemed like superheroes that anyone could grow up to be. What kid didn’t want some mystical ring to fly down from space and giving them the universe’s greatest weapon? You didn’t have to be a billionaire like Bruce, you just had to be a normal guy with a ton a will. Plus you got to patrol the universe with a bunch of cool aliens.
What do you expect from the Green Lantern movie coming out?
I expect it’ll be cool for what it is, Green Lantern on the big screen. Somewhere deep down inside me a be disappointed with the changes they’ve made, I’m not happy with the suit at all, but I still love it for the simple fact that it spreads they GL love to everyone.
If you had to choose one which one would you choose: God of War or Green Lantern?
That’s like asking me which of my kids I love the most(if I had kids). They’re really separate beast for different sides of me. Kratos appeals to the devil in me that wants to get revenge for all the wrongs inflicted upon me. While Green Lantern brings out that childhood excitement I had when I was reading comics with my friends arguing over who got to be the leader of the crew when we all became Green Lanterns. If the gun was at my temple though, I’d go with Green Lantern because I’ve had a longer history and far fewer frustrating times with it.
What do you spend your money on?
Ah you know, the typical stuff, toys, books, bills, shoes…
You ever buy fake shoes?
You know those variant Chinese toys you see from time to time that look like characters you know, but they have some ridiculously horrible outfit painted on? Those are basically the toy equivalent to fakes sneakers. It’d be like wearing a pair of Jordan XIIs, my favorite Jays, and then going back to wearing K-Mart shoes. There’s no comparison to the real deal. So, no I haven’t and will never buy fake kicks. Plus, they’re not made in my size.
What do you think of LeBron James?
You’re killing me smalls! I was in High School when ESPN first hopped on James, and I thought it was just wrong. I’ve been watching basketball since before I could walk and I’d never seen the level of undeserving hype given to a player before. In my eyes James is no different from any other High School player who has come into the league and done nothing. Is he a good player? Yes. Will he ever be as good and Jordan or Kobe? No. For all the hype, riding and praise he gets, you’d think he’s done more than make it to the finals once, getting swept there, and being knocked out of the playoffs ever since. In my opinion joining Wade and Bosh in Miami has crushed any chances he had to be among the greats. It’s a cop out, I know it, you know it, and everyone else knows it. He wants a ring so bad that he’s sacrificing his “legacy”(term used extremely loosely) to get one.
You seem very organized, at least online, are you?
I try to be. It’s more of an organized chaos most of the time. I’m one of those guys that has a extremely disorganized house (read messy), but I know exactly where everything is
What is wrong with you?
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