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New Custom Tuesday – 6/29/10

New Custom Tuesday is a weekly, creator submitted list of the latest custom action figures. This list provides a convenient way to check out all the latest custom creations posted in the galleries without having to search each individual thread. For this week’s customs, read on!

This week’s featured custom is Lestat’s MOTUC style Conan:

Conan - Lestat

The MOTUC base body is so perfect for a Conan base body, but I think what really makes this figure so appealing to me is the use of the Marvel Select Thor head sculpt.

Conan - Lestat

The heavy features on that head sculpt perfectly recall the look of Conan from Frank Frazetta paintings.  I also love that the clothing and chains recall the early issues of the Darkhorse Conan comic where Conan breaks free from Hyperborea.  I loved the Busiek/Nord run on that book, so Conan customs from that era are especially appealing to me.  I feel the need to make a Conan now and that’s great when viewing a custom can spark your creative energy.  Check out more pics at Lestat’s gallery by clicking on one of the above pics.

Here’s the rest of this past week’s customs.  Click the pics for links to the customizer’s gallery with more pics.  Let them know what you think of their stuff!

Dee Jay - anthonyrapitis

Jace Beleren - spawnsauce
Giant-Sized Wasp - raydaimon
Budie's Burritos (fig and dio) - Pearsonic
Spartacus Blood and Sand Action Playset - pULpY fiCtiOn
New-Girl Buffy, Cordy & Willow - MsBig
ML Icons Angel - McCoy
MOTUC TYTUS (More Articulated) - worldwar_hulk
Autotomy - mister garbage