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New Custom Tuesday – 6/22/10

New Custom Tuesday is a weekly, creator submitted list of the latest custom action figures. This list provides a convenient way to check out all the latest custom creations posted in the galleries without having to search each individual thread. For this week’s customs, read on!

This week’s featured customs are Ray’s Bebop and Rocksteady from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series.

BeBop and Rocksteady
BeBop and Rocksteady - Ray

These guys used to be Masters of the Universe Classics figures.  I think that really says it all about the amazing sculpts on these guys, doesn’t it?

Ray has painstakingly sculpted all the detail from the original TMNT figures, taking inspiration from the toys and the show.  There is so much great detail here, but I tend to fixate on certain things.  Like look at the paintjob on the converse type shoe BeBop wears.  I swear, that’s what my old beat up cons toes looked like when I wore shoes like that daily.

Look at the great elephant skin texture on this guy.  I also love that Ray has crafted a whole passel of accessories for these guys, too.  Check them out:

Alternate hands, weapons and shields, oh my!  Click any of the above pics for a link to Ray’s thread for a lot more great pics of these figures.

Check out the rest of this past week’s customs below.  As always, click the pic for a link to the individual customizer’s thread and let them know what you think!

Poet Brendan Behan - MsBig
True Blood Sam Merlotte - Jsebold
Ultimate Thor - Lanshark
Classic Retro Hulk - anthonyrapitis
Loki's Deception Thor - Whiskeytango