Hasbro is conducting the G.I. Joe Q&As a little differently now. Of the questions submitted, they’ll respond to a number of them of their choosing for the initial round of answers, and then in a couple of days, they’ll send out all the answers to all the questions for the current round.
This time, we got two of our three questions answered. Check back again in a couple of days, when we’ll have the remainder of the answers.
1) The Pursuit of Cobra figures look like the absolute best Joe figures ever, when it comes to designs and super awesome highly detailed sculpts. But they will make some of the 25th Anniversary figures look out dated. Have you guys considered doing maybe a new v1 classic Duke, v1 Roadblock, or Gung Ho resculpts? While we don’t expect every 25th Anniversary figure to be resculpted, it would be nice to have Joe icons looking just as good as the Pursuit of Cobra figures.
Thank you for the great feedback on the Pursuit of Cobra figures. Yes, there is an opportunity to revisit v1 figures in the future although our current focus is on G.I. Joe Renegades animation products.
2) Why no Pursuit of Cobra female figures? Most of the Joe lines have females sprinkled in, so it seems kind of odd to have no female figures in this line.
We released a number of female characters last year and we chose to use this opportunity to release high demand characters such as Low-Light and Dusty.
3) Why the sudden lack of Cobra Commanders? CC’s always been one of the most released figures, but suddenly with POC there’s only one, and it’s a chase.
[Answer pending]
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