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New Custom Tuesday – 4/27/10

New Custom Tuesday is a weekly, creator submitted list of the latest custom action figures. This list provides a convenient way to check out all the latest custom creations posted in the galleries without having to search each individual thread.

For this week’s customs, read on!

This week’s featured custom is 12pt Helvetica‘s  Batman Beyond Royal Flush Gang!:

Royal Flush Gang - 12pt Helvetica

First off, you have to admire the dedication of anyone who completes a whole team of custom figures and 12pthelvetica does it here with real style, clean work and lots of extra details.  First thing I noticed is the clean white paintjobs.

The gang in flight

The gang’s stelleration powered flying cards look great and attaching them to the figures’ feet and using the whippy superpose stands makes for a great flying effect.


The figures all look really faithful to their TV appearance costumes but are still in DCUC style, so they fit in well with the DCUC Batman Beyond.


Each figure has episode specific props like the King’s ‘Death Card’, a statue the Gang tries to steal in an episode and Jack’s arm blade.


12pt also included little bits of loot with some of the figures like the pearls Ten is carrying and cool little playing card weapons.


The figures all have a nice relative scale that seems accurate to their appearance in the show.


12pt really went the extra mile on these guys and it shows.  Click some of the above group shots for a link to his thread in our galleries with even more pics!

Here’s the rest of this past week’s customs!  Click the pics for the links to their respective threads:

Hulk - Anthonyrapitis
Iron Man - Katar Hol
Sam and Dean - Ms. Big Pile of Dust
Dick Tracey - Rowdy
Original X-Men - Jmauer
Captain America - OMEGA
Red Skull - OMEGA

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